Chapter 7:

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a/n: so yeah! I dedicate this to XxForgottenSoulxX because you’re amazing love! thank you for your votes!!

we have a bit of narry action here yas!!


status: edited


Harry’s POV:

“Fuck Harold, let’s not do this.” She pulls away from my lap and flops down next to me.

“What the fuck Meg?” I say in disbelief. We were in the middle of something!

“I’m sorry! You’re just not into it tonight! Something’s off Harold.” I wince at the name.

I usually don’t let people call me by Harold but its Meg so it’s alright.

“Want to talk about it?” She turns my head to look at me and I sigh in defeat.

Sometimes Meg is just like my mother, we may have a weird relationship but I love her to bits, she’s like my own sister and she quickly senses if something’s wrong with me. She’s my bestfriend, my bestfriend that I don’t have feelings for.

Niall is… He’s my bestfriend too but he’s different.

“What am I going to do about this?” I pout at her, pulling on my best puppy look while looking straight into her eyes, my finger pointing down at my jeans and she rolls her eyes at me.

She can’t resist me.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to do it if your mind is definitely into something else…” I pout more.

“Please?” She looks hesitant at first but a grin immediately crawls up to her face and I get crept out immediately.

“Wank off to Niall Haz.” She teases and I flush in embarrassment. She knows that I have an undying love for my best friend for years.

“No, you’re crazy.” I immediately shake my head no and she chuckles.

“Well, wait for that to go down, Good luck babe,” She points down at my erection while standing up and grabbing a drink from my fridge.

“Unfuckingbelievable Meg!” I throw my hands in the air while glaring at her and heading to the bathroom. I can’t believe she wants me to- ugh.

I look at myself in the mirror. I have sex hair and swollen lips and then my mind drifts off to Niall.

I look down and I’m sure he isn’t helping with my situation here, remembering his lips. I groan in frustration and starts chucking my jeans in one swift movement with my boxers. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

As I finish my business at the bathroom, I get out and see Meg smirking deviously at me. I ignore her as I walk towards her and flop down at the chair beside her.

"Oh! Niall, your mouth feels so good- Ah! Ah! N-Niall!” She moans and I glare at her.

"Had fun in the bathroom imagining Niall Hazza?” She pinches my cheek playfully and I swat her hands away.

“I had to wank at the thought of my best friend because of you Meggy.” I take a sip on her vodka.

“Hey! That’s mine! Get yours!” She whines and gets the glass out of my hands.

“So what happened?” She asks curiously as I get my own glass from the cupboard.  I remember Niall’s lips on me again and I immediately blush furiously, bowing my head in the process. I don’t want Meg catching me blushing, she’ll tease me for sure.

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