Chapter 1:

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Hi guys! This is meant to be a one shot but idk... let's see what happens :)
-Elle ☺️
Status: edited


Age: 16

"What? What did you say Ni? Sorry. I thought you asked me to kiss you." Harry snickered at the thought.

They were playing the new video game his mom bought for him in his room when Niall asked him something.

I mean yeah, he's bi and Niall's insanely attractive but Niall's his bestfriend and the last time he checked bestfriends don't swing that way.

Even though Niall's so fucking tempting with his pink kissable lips... And he might be or might not be falling for him but he knows better, knows that a single kiss can make them awkward and fall apart and Harry doesn't want that.

Heck he's not even thinking of a life without his best bud so he keeps his feelings to himself and he won't risk years of friendship just because of a stupid kiss. A stupid kiss that he wants so badly to happen...

Meanwhile Niall pauses their game and drops his game controller on the table and glares at him. He's way too embarrassed to ask him to kiss him, let alone repeat it all over again.

"Harry don't make me repeat it again," He whines, his cheeks flushed while watching Harry choke on his hot chocolate drink that Anne gave them before they went upstairs to play his new video game.

"I thought you were kidding!" Harry half whispers, half yells at him. His arms flailing frantically on the air.

Niall couldn't get Harry. Why was he so worked up in the whole thing. It was just a kiss, it's not like he asked him to jerk him off right? It's not that big of a deal.

"Come on Harry, it's just a kiss, nothing more. You just put your lips on mine and voila! We kissed. Is it that bad?" Niall tries to reason with him.

"It's not just a simple kiss Niall. You're putting our whole friendship in jeopardy here. You might freak out and get awkward at me and I don't want that. I don't want to lose my bestfriend." He says whole-heartedly and Niall gets it but he's so fucking confused now and he just needs answers. He trusts Harry.

As if Harry reads his mind he quickly asks.

"What even made you think of kissing me? Niall you're straight." He looks at Niall that is busy chewing on his lower lip and his head hanging low.

"Right?" He adds rather quickly.

Niall looks at him dead in the eye. His bottom lip in his teeth. "That's why I'm asking you Harry... I don't know."

"Oh," Harry mumbles.

So this is sort of just helping your mate right? If he agrees... He's just helping his mate. His mate that he has feelings for. No matter how he tries to hide the guilt at the back of his head. He can't. He can't help but feel like he's taking advantage of the situation. Which is not! He would never!

"Harry..." Niall places a hand on his arm, rubbing up and down soothingly and looking with him with pleading and curious eyes and seriously! Who can say no to that?

No one.

"Give me a reason." Harry asks and Niall stares at him wide-eyed.

"What?" Niall asks.

"Just give me a reason." And then Niall huffs out a puff of air.

"Harry... I trust you. I mean I would prefer losing my first kiss to a guy from a guy that I know right? Not to someone that I don't know and just met from a high school party right? I trust you Haz." He says and Harry slumps his shoulders more and runs his hand trough his curly locks, tugging on it slightly.

"But I don't want things to get awkward bet-"

"It won't. I promise." Niall cuts him off. He's really curious about this.

"I just want to know how it feels... To kiss a guy. When I kissed Demi on that party last week it wasn't what I've actually expected you know. It wasn't fireworks, butterflies, sparks and all that shit. And then I watched The vampire diaries..."

"What about it then?"

"I thought Ian Somerhalder was one dashing and fine bloke."

"He is mighty fine Niall. You're overthinking the whole thing."

"But for a straight guy, don't you think I should be drooling over Nina Dobrev instead of Ian Somerhalder? Does that seem weird to you now?" He asks in a-matter-of-factly tone.

"Oh." How can he be that stupid really? Yeah that's pretty weird for a straight guy.

"Harold, you kiss boys all the time! What makes this different?"

"And girls Niall. I'm not completely gay remember? I still like girls. Bisexual is different from being gay."

"Whatever. You get my point. You like kissing boys-"

"And girls." Harry adds.

"And girls... so I don't see the difference of this from that."

"But you're my best friend Niall. You're different from any other guy. You're special." Niall missed the longing look Harry gave him.

And then after the long silence Niall gives up.

"Its alright Haz. Sorry, this is stupid. I'll just go ask someone else like-"

"Fine," This time Harry's the one to cut him off and Niall's grin couldn't possibly get even bigger now. He's sure.

"Just... Don't get awkward if this doesn't work out alright? Don't you dare leave me Niall James Horan." Harry says sternly as he turns to face Niall fully.

He nods giddily and then gets excited and curious and sweaty as Harry starts scooting closer to him.

"What if it works out?" He interrupts suddenly.

Harry looks taken aback from the question. He didn't see that coming.

"I don't know." He shrugs and starts scooting closer again.

He starts leaning in... Harry really doesn't want Niall kissing other guys besides him so might as well take the risk right?

Harry's heart beat is unbelievably fast and he's suddenly afraid that his heart would jump out of his chest any minute now. He's wondering if Niall's heart is beating like that too... His eyes are fixed on him as he starts leaning in.

Niall was fucking adorable! His cheeks are a new shade of darker pink. Eyes tightly shut and pink lips puckered. Harry melts right there, right now but he decided to close his eyes because this is special.

Niall is special.

When they both close the gap between their lips. Harry felt amazing, more than amazing. It was just a press of lips, nothing heated but nonetheless Harry felt it all.

The sparks, the fireworks, the butterflies... All of that jumbled up in his stomach. He's quite certain that Niall is his best kiss. He kissed a lot of boys and girls but none of those compared to this.

Minutes of lips pressing to lips, Niall eventually pulled away. He was still blushing and Harry needed to know if he answered Niall's curiousity by the kiss so he broke the ice.



A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger guys! I'll update soon!
P.S: I apologize for my fetus writing.

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