Chapter 5:

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Here's chapter five hello thank you for reading :)

Status: Edited

Age: 20

Harry's POV:

So after the incredibly long talk Niall and the brunette girl had, I'm guessing you guys should know what happened two years later after that party.

Long story but I'll make it short for you. Niall got attracted to the brunette, I got jealous but of course he's my best friend so I had to be happy for him even though I was really breaking in the inside. He asked her out, she said yes. On the other hand I found a girl named Meg; we're best friends, she's my girl best friend and Niall's my boy one, but with benefits, if you guys get what I mean.

I pushed my feelings aside and ignored it, we both went to UNI, and we had the same course, same schedule, cool right? But the only thing that really did separate us is that we had separate flats.

Of course he's going to share with his girl friend, I bitterly thought.

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate Kirsten, I love her believe it or not, she's awesome, cool and all that but of course if you're head over heels in love with your best friend, and you can't help but get bitter right?

So I thought I was finally moving on. I finally can watch them both snogging in front of me without having to cry myself to sleep. I really thought my feelings for my blonde best friend was finally finished until...

"What the fuck are you talking about Ni?" I saw him slightly cringe from my voice, looking at him, guilty and realization dawned upon my face.

I shouldn't have talked to him like that. I sighed and sat beside him again, we were in his living room, playing FIFA when he asked me that again.

"I'm sorry, I just don't understand what's gotten into that head of yours, enlighten me please?" I asked again with a softer tone this time.

"I'm sorry Harry. I know this is hard for you." I couldn't bear looking at him like that, he looked so sad and lonely and helpless so I decided what I'd do best and that is hugging him.

He immediately snuggled up to me.

"You have a girlfriend Niall, and a really great one at that. We can't just go back like this from years before." I ran my hand through his blonde hair as I spoke.

"I know it's just that..." He sighs defeated. I really hate seeing him like this.

But this isn't fair for me. I was moving on, I'm in the process but I'm really trying to move on. I can't just let myself go back to square one, but after that I think I may be back to square one. I've been seeing Meg and we're not really in a relationship kind of thing but she helps me forget and I can find a guy and maybe date him? I don't know.

All that I know is I'm in the process of moving on and I'm really doing well.

"Kirsten's perfect you know. Beautiful, loyal, smart, feisty." He said and I nodded in acknowledgement.

"But there's something missing Haz. I don't know if girlfriends are used to fill in the empty holes in your heart but mine? It's not filled yet." He pulls away and looks up at me sincerely and I can't look away.

Shit. This is what happens when I look into Niall's eyes. I get lost in them, you see I have a weakness for them, but then again.

Who doesn't? Niall's got the prettiest eyes in the whole damn world.

Believe me I tried my best to look away and it surprised me when I did.

"But you've been together for like... what? A year now? 2 years? And you've felt absolutely nothing for her? All those times?" I asked and he replied with his head shaking lightly.

"I love her Harry. I really do."

"If you love her then why are you asking me to kiss you again? Like you did when we were 16? Is it about the sex?" I blurted out and he bushed deeply.

"No! No! Definitely not! She's great in bed!" He shakes his head profusely.

"Then what is it?"

"Harry... I-I'm... Gay okay Bisexual? I don't know." I'm definite my eyes doubled in size.

"What? You can't be! You told me-"

"I lied Harry. I'm sorry but I kept my feelings inside of me. I wasn't ready to come out, in fact I don't think I'll ever be." He mumbles. I sighed heavily again.

You're just helping a mate out that's all. You're helping him to get through all of this I thought.

"Alright." I finally agreed after minutes of silence and his head snapped up to me so fast I was worried it would break.

"You sure about this?" He scooted closer and I replayed the first time that we kissed in my mind. The feeling was still there. The confusing butterflies, sparks and fireworks? Yep, all present.

"Yes Ni, now c'mon! Hurry up before I change my mind... But before anything, you owe me lunch straight in a week." I say cheekily, he rolls his eyes before scooting closer and eventually agreeing.

He was now leaning in, me meeting him halfway, I was about to close my eyes when he said something to interrupt the mood.

"I'm sorry if I'm bad at this, I'm nervous as fuck." I just give him a slight nod and started leaning again and then I felt it all.

The moment his lips met mine, the fireworks, butterflies and sparks were back again. This feeling is so amazing. I really can't get enough of it.

We stayed just like that for a minute, just the pressing of lips, but then holy fucking shit. He moved my lips against slowly till our lips were moving in sync. It was slow and passionate at first and we pulled away for air the next second, I thought this was going to be the end of it but he pulled me back in for more and it got heated quickly.

Apparently, Niall found a way to crawl into my lap while were kissing.

His hands found its way to my curly locks and then he tugged on it gently, making me groan into his mouth, my hands were on his hips, keeping him in place on my lap, but I let my other hand slip down from his side to his bum, I squeezed on it gently, which obviously surprised him, causing him to gasp. I took advantage and quickly slipped my tongue into his hot caverns. Our tongues momentarily fighting for dominance, dancing with each other but I won.

I searched every bit of his mouth using my tongue and I can feel my pants getting slightly tight for my own comfort. This needs to stop before anything that I might regret could happen. Niall probably felt it and I blushed madly. I don't want him to know that I was getting aroused from our kiss. He moved a bit so that he was now straddling me, and our crotches touching, and I could feel that he was excited too.

Shit. This isn't helping my problem at all.

We both pulled away for air again and he looked into my eyes while breathing heavily. There's hardly blue in them anymore, it was dark, and I could say the same for me. My eyes probably looked like that too. I thought he was going to kiss me again so I closed my eyes but this time I felt his hot breath on my neck, causing me to shudder. My heart beat was so fast I really think my heart would jump out from my chest any minute now. His lips were so close to my neck but he wasn't kissing. He was just breathing, and then he started to lick it, earning a moan from me. My eyes widened and I clamped a hand to shut me up.

He looked up again and smirked back at me. I blushed and tore my gaze away from him. He went back to my neck and I tilted it to give him more access but when he was about to suck on it, the door knob turned and we pulled away immediately from each other.

I prayed silently that it wasn't Kirsten because if it was her... It'd kill me.



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