Chapter 24:

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This chapter is dedicated to Katie, whose birthday is today! Yay! She’s the first person that I talked to here at wattpad, I have a feeling we’re twins because we are really alike, she’s one of the persons that are easy to talk and open up to. Thank you for being lovely Katie, thank you for being a best friend. I love you!


It’s my dad’s birthday today too btw ;)


Zayn’s POV:


“Oh my god Zayn. How much more will we have to walk?” Perrie groaned and tugged on my arms but I just kept on walking.

“Only a few blocks more baby… I know we’ll be there. I just know.” I say but in truth I’m confused as hell, I don’t know if the directions that Niall gave me is right. “But my feet is sore Zee, I shouldn’t have worn this heels.” Perrie pouted and I stopped in my tracks to face my girlfriend.

“I told you to wear some sandals or sneakers.” I shook my head at her and she just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest. We were in front of Niall’s school so we can’t be that far.

My eyes scanned the whole place and spotted a store where shoes are being sold. “C’mon now, let’s go.” I linked my hands with Perrie and dragged her to the store.

“Oh my gosh Zayn! This is really cute!” She gushed and dangled another high-heel in front of my face and I took it. “No heels.” I shook my head no sternly and she pouted adorably again. “No Pezz, hm… I think this one is good.” I said as I grabbed one of the flat sandals and she looked at me with horror.

“That’s too simple!” She backed a step away and I chuckled.

“When you wear it, it’ll be outstanding.” I winked and she blushed and grabbed the sandals from me. “Fine, but only because you’re so disgustingly sappy,” She stuck her tongue out to me and I pulled her in for a short kiss.

“You’re aware that this is a public store and people are around right Zaynie?” She asked incredulously as I pulled away. “Yeah, so what? You’re my girlfriend and I love you.” I closed my eyes and pouted playfully at her.

“I love you too but let’s go pay for this and let’s go to Niall. I’m excited to see my twin brotha!” She exclaimed and I laughed.

“You two are so alike…” I said as I swayed our hands back and forth and she nodded.

“That’s why he’s my twin brother.” She grinned as we reached the cashier. We gave her the payment and quickly scrambled out the store.

“Wait, I’m just going to change my shoes.” She says stopping me, I smiled fondly as she raised one leg and took the red heels off, and then repeating the same action to the other.

I took the sandals out of its box and gave it to her; she smiled thankfully as she put it on.

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