Epilogue pt. 2

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Status: Edited
Niall's POV:

7 years ago....

Age: 27


I missed this. Oh god how much I missed the tall buildings, the skyscraper, the city lights, I missed everything about London.

"You fucking twat. Where are you?" Louis hisses at the other line and I chuckle deeply, looking around for them, my other hand clutching my phone, while the other held my luggage tightly.

"You act like you don't know me." I tease as my eyes scan around for them.

Seven years was definitely a lot of time for me to think and stuff. Ireland was Ireland, it felt like home but nothing compared to this.

"Well it's been seven years you fucking dick." I double over, he was still pissy with me after seven years, well I couldn't blame them, I had fucked off to Ireland and left them, albeit I still talked to them occasionally it was still difficult.

"You haven't changed." The same high pitched voice sounds from behind me and I stand up straight, slowly turning around to see Louis, who has long grown hair and stubble, he looked the same but more mature and older, a lot older and his body was well built.

"Louis..." I whisper and he opens his arms, smiling, I immediately take the hug not realizing he was going to of course, knee me in the crotch, making me kneel and whimper out in pain, cupping my dick in agony.

That fucking prick.

"You deserve it Niall. You know you do." He says and laughs coldly, grabbing my stuff and leaving me on the ground.

"Niall? Niall! Louis!" Liam screams before helping me off the ground and wow, yeah I like this Liam, he had stubble too and he had toned arms and bigger biceps and holy shit. Thank you to whoever made Liam work out.

"That's not a nice way to treat our friend, Louis not after-"

"He left us for seven years? I don't think he can complain." Louis arches an eyebrow, like he's challenging Liam to say something back.

"It's okay." I say through clenched teeth, still wincing in pain and Liam mouths sorry I only force out a laugh.

"Let's just get him some ice pack can we do that?" Liam sighs.

"Shut up, Liam."


That's how I end up with an ice pack on my crotch at Louis's car as he rants out his anger, driving slowly and I just let him. I missed him plus he had a point. I'm not going to deny that.

"...And you left us? You think skype's going to make up for all the birthday parties you let pass- no and now making us drive all the way here when I'm supposed to have my beauty sleep because surprise surprise it's our wedding tomorrow asshole-"

"Louis stop it. He's exhausted. Knock it off? You could've blown off the chances of him having kids, wasn't that enough?" Liam says exasperatedly, the same exhaustion radiating from him.

"Well he has seven years to make up for Liam. I am far from over here." Louis gives him a glare before looking back on the road again.

"What Louis meant is- the whole disappearing thing without goodbye- did it actually help?" Liam asks sincerely, I know that I hurt the lot of them big time but I was a mess here, I deem it necessary to do that.

"Yeah like a lot, I mean I finished college and I got closer to my family, I had started fresh what I aimed to do from the start I know I've been selfish-"

give me a reason |n.s| ✔ - editingWhere stories live. Discover now