Chapter 31:

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Okay so here you goooooooo. The epilogue will be cut in two parts idk why but will be posted on the same day, just at a different time, I guess. If you're still reading this I love you and can I just say that fetus Harry is so freaking adorable.x
Status: Edited
Niall's pov:
Breakfast was quiet, but not before Perrie broke into tears and hugged me till I ran out of breath and told me how much she missed me, that made me smile a lot. Zayn did the same, pressing me into his side and told me he understood that I broke down, it was bound to happen, he said.

We never mentioned Harry, not even once. I think they know. After that they went to shower separately of course and I cleaned up, passing by a photo of Kirsten and I. We looked so in love, or at least I thought we were.

It was both of our faults. We had zero time for each other since I was either preoccupied with Harry and she was with work or Nick. We fell out of love and we didn't even try to be okay. We didn't try to fix us, we just let us be and that's not love. If you aren't strong enough to fight for it, it's not love. It can't be love.

Since I had to get the love birds to the train station, the next logical step was to call her, she was going back home anyway, I would've picked her up from there.

I wanted to start fresh and that included me breaking off my relationships. Both Harry's and hers. It was the right thing to do.

I stared at it for a bit longer before going to the sink and washing the dishes.


"We can stay for a bit longer you know that Ni." Perrie had tears on her cheeks again as I bid them both farewell. Although I wanted them to stay they had to go. They have their own lives. I can't be selfish and keep them here.

"I figured I troubled you enough." I shrugged smiling at them, making Perrie sob harder and say never.

"No. I can't just- you've been really helpful and I want to fix things on my own. I can do this. I got the closure from Harry. I will get the closure I need from Kirsten and things will go on from there. I know what I'll do. I might move to Wales finish college there who knows?" They both look horrified and I can't help but laugh out loud.

"The wales part is a joke but I am considering of moving back to Ireland and help Da with the pub, finish college there, help Denise and Greg with Theo. I feel like I can I need to go back home-Ireland home." I breathe out, realizing where I want to start fresh just now.

"Well fuck when you said start fresh I didn't realize this."

I chuckle at that but agree and nod my head anyways.

"It just-it feels like the right thing to do." I say speaking from the bottom of my heart.

"And we support you Ni." Perrie smiles while sniffling. "Ring Maura okay? She needs to know what's going with his son."

I take note of that, and I realize I would have to come out but I know there won't be any problem with that, they will accept me and love me just the same.

"Don't be a stranger though Ni okay?" I hug Zayn tightly, hiding my head in the crook of his neck and thanking him before doing the same to Perrie. I tell them I wish the best for them and watch as they get into the train, waving my hands with a smile on my face.

"Niall?" A familiar voice calls out and I turn around, and there she is, the woman I claim to be in love with. She looks beautiful with her yellow sunny dress, red heels, red headband and her new tan. Now I remembered why I loved her for years.

"Coffee?" I ask and she smiles, I take her luggage in my hand and we chat all the way to her favorite coffee shop. This was what we lacked off. Communication.

It's been ages since we did this, had a laugh, talked about things. I know I will miss this. She's been a huge part of my life.

"I missed this." She says before sipping her tea, looking outside and then back at me.

"Since when did we stop doing this?" She asks the same thing on my mind and I open my mouth to say something but then I close it. She looks at me, with those sad eyes and I can't help but look away.

"You love him." She says after a silence has gone by and I stare at her, looking for any sign of disgust but instead she smiles fondly.

"It hurt me at first because I felt like I had a competition, that I had to share him with you because when we talked it was always about him, it was always Harry this Harry that, and I eventually made time to avoid the subject, I became distant and spent less time with you so I could avoid getting hurt and this guy came up on the counter with like a bouquet of roses and just told me he liked me since the first day he saw me in uni and I thought he was really cute and brave because people were looking at us, and waiting for me to say something and I said yes shamefully I did albeit I knew we were in a relationship, but we were having rough patches and you were always with Harry and I just wanted to be happy you know?" She looked outside once again.

"You don't know how many times I've wanted to break it off with you, tell you that you aren't in love with me but I wanted you to realize it." She looked at me, my hands trembling, she knew all along, was I that oblivious and blind?

"And now it seems like you have, if not then I'm sorry but the cat's out of the bag and it's time for you to see him in a different way because when you're not looking, he looks at you like your the reason why the world is round I swear." She plays with her cup, twirling it around and shaking her head fondly before grabbing my hands.

"I can't blame him you know? I've fallen in love with you for the same damn reason." Tears are threatening to fall because I feel like a prick now, she has been hurting for so long and I didn't even notice.

"I'm sorry I cheated on you Niall. It was never my intention to hurt you." She speaks so softly and I give in and let the tears trickle down my cheeks.

"Don't cry, love. We both wanted different things-"

"I hurt you though. I screwed up. I hurt you. I hurt Harry I am pathetic and dumb and-"

"Niall look at me." I am beyond embarrassed and ashamed so I keep my eyes away but she forces me.

"Please." I inhale sharply and look at her she smiles.

"It's mine too yeah? I should've slapped some sense into you sooner." I sigh but then agree, like I've said, we had our faults, there's nothing we can do now, what's done is done.

"This will be a new beginning for you and him, for me too, it isn't the end, things are just starting to look up and Niall?"

"Mm...?" I hum in response and she grins.

"I'll cut your dick if you cut me off of your life." And we both laugh at that, as we stand up and hug her and peck her forehead, she's right, this is what's right. I get her to Nick's and I just smile as he grabs her by the waist and carries her off the ground twirling her.

Now that, is love.

He gives me a salute and then I'm off to my flat. I look around before calling Da and Ma and letting them know what I wanted to do now our school's semester is done. I pack things up and then get a paper and a ballpen.

This is only a beginning. It echoes in my head before I start writing. I hope so.
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