Chapter 11:

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I am sincerely sorry for making you wait for this chapter! I really feel bad! I’m sorry! Here’s a virtual Horan hug and a sloppy kiss for you my lovely readers! *hug hug* *kiss kiss*


So it’s official… I’m in love with Ashton Irwin from 5 seconds of summer! Don’t worry Niall I’m still deeply in love with you bby! No matter what! I’m extra talkative today aren’t I? Yeah… I am… So it’s my birthday tomorrow! Yay! I would love to spend it with you guys! I’m really excited about it! It’s my birthday tomorrow so yeah, I updated! AND IT’S FLUFF! PURE FLUFF! Yeah, no smut for today! Heh. Maybe on the next chapter, who knows? ;)


So I’m sorry for my rambling, I’m going to leave you to my UD now… Hope you liked fluff! Narry isn’t all sex and experimenting here! ;) Even though that’s what they spend their time doing… MOSTLY but still! Okay okay… I’m sorry. Just skip this part and read it…



Sorry again! (((:

-HorantheCurls xx


Niall’s POV: (Heh! He wasn’t talking that much so I just… you know…)


I started to stir. I was lying on something hard and… Muscular? And there was a weight on the top of my head. My eyes slowly fluttered open only to see Harry’s very muscular chest. What the hell happened last night? I was careful to stretch my exhausted and tired limbs because I don’t want to wake the angel beside me.

And then it hit me… I was in-my-underwear naked, I’ve got my boxers on but Harry’s naked in all his glory. Woah he’s got morning wood. I licked my lips appreciatively. God, I need to control my horny hormones sometimes. I look back down only to see I have one too. I think Harry and I reached level two already…

I sat up slowly, I wasn’t sore so we didn’t go all the way but maybe I topped. I mean I could top. I was planning on poking Harry’s bum hole to see if he was sore but decided against it immediately. I stretched my arms and yawned loudly again, and then I looked back at Harry.

The sight made my heart warm and made me smile adoringly at him. His eyes were tightly closed and his lips parted slightly, soft snores escaping his pretty little lips. His curls were tousled and his chest rising and falling slowly. I leaned in and gave him a peck in the lips. Whatever happened to us last night, I won’t regret it, not one bit.

But I remembered Kirsten! Shit! I reached for my phone at the bedside table and unlocked it. I was on my way on typing a message but the battery died. I’m so sorry Kirs, I guess I’m just going to make it up to her by taking her out on a dinner or something. I don’t want her worrying but I can’t just go back to our flat now, not without Harry and I talking about what happened last night.

I stood up and my stomach grumbled loudly. Food! I need food! I shall eat! I decide

I rush over to Harry’s closet to find a new pair of boxers because my boxers made me feel eeky and dirty all over. I know it was cum I was feeling. I pulled out his Calvin Klein boxers and went to the bathroom to get a shower. I gather the clothes that were scattered all around the room, we went wild last night.

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