Chapter 10:

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You know what sucks? I wrote this a while ago and had to rewrite it because I didn’t save it. Well stupid me… The first one was good but I don’t know about this one. I stayed up all night because of this. I was really excited and all… *sighs sadly*

Here it goes…

Warning: Smut and language


-HorantheCurls xx


 Harry's POV:

It amused me how I got the very drunk and horny Niall alongside Louis “the pass out man” Tomlinson in my car. I laughed at my little joke.

“Uh… Haz? Why do I have to sit in the back seat while Louis can ride shotgun?” Niall whines and I roll my eyes at him. “Because you might distract me or something…” I mumble as I clasp Louis’ seatbelt together. “How can I distract you exactly?” There was a playful tone in his voice and I decided I’d ignore it. I start the car. “Fine ignore me Styles, you’ll get your punishment later. You’re going to beg for it.” I could hear the smirk in his voice and I gulped, thinking of what Niall was going to do to me. My eyes were focused on the road when suddenly I heard moans from the back seat… Niall’s moans…

I slowly looked at the rearview mirror, only to see Niall teasing and touching himself, shit… This skinny jeans are too tight. His eyes suddenly opened and he smirked at me while his chest, rising and falling quickly. “Like what you see Harry?” He winks and I tear my gaze away from him and focus on my driving again, if I keep looking at him like that, we might end up in a crash and that’s the last thing I wanted to happen. “Eyes on the road baby, not on me,” He chuckles flirtatiously. I just hope this trip will go faster.

I texted Liam and gave him the address to my flat so he could fetch Louis there. Thankfully, Niall didn’t tease me more but he still continued on touching himself at the back seat and when I parked my car, I was sporting a raging hard on. Wow, I got hard from Niall’s moans again, actually scratch that. I get hard by everything he does or says. He can put on a banana suit and dance horribly and I bet I’d still get hard.

I started to get scared… Niall and I’s relationship was experimenting but we’ve never done anything more than snogging before, but he’s drunk and horny and the mischievous tone of his tells me something that he wants to go to stage two… Which is well…? More than snogging or eating each other’s faces off…

 I unclasp my seatbelt and turn around to face him. “Whatever you’re trying to do, quit it because we won’t have it.” I say sternly. “And why is that?” He childishly pouts and crosses his arms at his chest. “Because you’re drunk Ni… You don’t know what you’re-“

“Oh I know what I’m doing…” When the fuck did he became this close? He was brushing his lips against mine now and teasing me, before leaning in and whispering seductively in my ear. “I know exactly what effect I have on you Hazza bear.” He licks my earlobe again and I shudder at the contact. “No you’re not! You’re drunk! Kissing or making out is fine to me but…” I trail off and bite my lip as I pull away from him.

“Fucking or blowing isn’t?” He looks straight into my eyes and I blush furiously. “C’mon Haz… I want to make you feel good, I want you to pleasure me and I want you to…” He grabs me by the shirt and our faces inches away from each other now. “Fuck me.” He says while never losing eye contact and licking his lips at the process and then releasing me.

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