Chapter 16:

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Hella! You guys doing alright? Sorry for making you wait this is the update it rhymed lmao.

status: edited

Harry’s POV:     

“Harry.” His chest is violently rising and falling and I gulp.

“Niall.” I breathe out, his eyes are darker than I’ve ever seen before and this makes me scared as hell.

“I see you’re in your boxers.” His eyes roam up and down my body and I mentally slap myself for not wearing a shirt or just some sweatpants.

“Uhh… I’ve just woken up?” I say hesitantly. He nods curtly before pushing me out of the way and entering my flat. I sigh and when I turn around Niall backs me up against the wall.

“So you had fun last night huh?” My breathing is ragged but his is surprisingly calm.

N-Niall…” I say as he continues to look into my eyes, his hands at each side of my head, trapping me. Even him looking at me turns me on, something is definitely wrong.

“So… What’s his name Harry?” His left hand traces my collarbones, his eyes leaving mine and he licks his lips while turning his gaze on me again.

“M-Michael…” I stutter as his hands graze my sensitive nipples.

“Oh you like that…” He leans in closer and whispers on my ear before licking my earlobe, nibbling on it. I feel my legs wobble and his hands leave the wall and he grips my hips, keeping me in place.

“So what did you do? Did you fuck him?” He tugs on my earlobe and I clutch on loops of his jeans.

“N-No…” I shake my head vigorously.

I’m not totally lying aren’t I? I didn’t fuck him, he fucked me.

He comes to a halt and backs away, I whimper at the loss of contact and I feel eyes examining me and once again I feel like I’m completely naked even though I have my boxers on.

“I feel like you’re lying to me Harry.” He holds his chin between his index and thumb and I look away blushing.

“Oh so you are lying to me…” He concludes and I look at him to see a look of hurt flash through him until the predatory glare is back again.

“So what did he do baby? He made you feel good?” He traps me once again and I feel so weak and restless against him, I just nod and continue to look away.

“He’s better than me?” I snap my head up to him and realize our lips are just inches close and my breathing gets caught in my throat again.

“Answer me Harry.” He says inching closer and my eyes instinctively shut, I can feel his hot breath mixing with mine and I just want to close the gap between us but I do nothing.

“N-No…” I answer, my voice weak and I look at him, to see his lopsided smile.

“Good baby, good.” He buries his head in the crook of my neck and peppers it with small kisses, I can’t get why the small gesture seems so erotic to me.

“You know you’re mine right?” He says in between kisses and I answer with a strangled yes.

“I got so mad at you baby.” He admits and sucks a lovebite on my weak spot and I bite my lower lip to stop myself from moaning.

“Seeing him with you… I wanted to beat the shit out of him.” He pulls away, looks at his work and smirks before licking it.

Why is he jealous? Why is he angry? Does that mean-

give me a reason |n.s| ✔ - editingWhere stories live. Discover now