Chapter 15:

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ANOTHER SURPRISE UPDATE BC OMG YOU GUYS! 1050 READS?! LIKE WTF! *does a little happy dance, flails arms around and wiggles bum to music* MY LITTLE STRAWBERRIES MADE IT HAPPEN AND OMG I’M SO HAPPY I CAN DIE! Lolno. I need to get a kiss from 1D and 5SOS first! And then I can die…


Okay okay… I’m so excited so here it is! (: x

-HorantheCurls xx


Harry’s POV:


I disappeared into the crowd, bumping into mass of bodies in the process, some people even ended up grinding on me but I’m too drunk to care so I just let them be…

My mind was buzzing and the whole place was swirling….

I drank too much…

And this is Niall’s fault.

I was looking for a decent guy to dance with until I recognized the familiar emo hair style in the mass of bodies.


Turns out I’m lucky tonight.

I tried my hardest not to appear as drunk and not to limp in front of him but I think I failed epically. I reached him and tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked my way and smiled. He’s really fucking hot…


“Oh hey Ha-“ I cut him off by kissing. I didn’t know what I did but I just had to… I had to forget. Forget Niall and Kirsten… I had to.

He was frozen for a moment but then his mind caught up to what I was doing and he kissed back as hard… As lustful… This feels so good.


I mean it’s not Niall but its good too…


I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss as his arms finds its way to my waist, crashing our bodies together.

His tongue swipes across my bottom lip and I smile into the kiss because I decided to tease him by not opening my mouth, he groaned and that made me smile wider.

Until he got impatient and bit my lower lip and I gasped, he took that as an opportunity to shove his tongue down my throat, our tongues fought playfully for dominance but I gave in and let him have his way. We kissed like that for a few minutes until we realized that we still need air to breath. I pulled away and leaned my forehead on his shoulder, breathing heavily.

I was closing my eyes and enjoying his warmth at the moment; his hands were still wrapped around my waist, my hands now in both of his shoulder pads. I flushed red as I realize what I have done.

 I push him away gently and take a step back, hanging my head down low, blushing while doing so.

give me a reason |n.s| ✔ - editingWhere stories live. Discover now