Chapter 13:

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OMG! So my story hit like 800+ reads and thank you my precious strawberries! So I dedicate this to Katie, my beeeeeeeeeeeeeeest friend! Because her story already hit 10 000+ reads! CRAZY RIGHT? CONGRATUWELLDONE KATIE! Biig looveee.

Narry sexting *erm cough spoiler cough*


Niall: You’re so perverted babe.

Me: Huh? Why?!

Niall: We never did that.

Me: It’s a story… Niall

Harry: That was hot.

Me: I know Hazzaboo. I know…

Niall: You guys are weird. ‘m going out.



On with the story then! (:



Niall’s POV:

Kirsten went out of the bathroom and headed towards our bed, beside me. I was really confused as hell today. Who is that Nick? Why are they acting so couple-y? Why aren’t I jealous? Why do I miss Harry’s touch? Why why why?


“Babe… Go to sleep.” Kirsten says as she turns around to face me and I give her a smile. “I can’t baby.” I say as I brush a strand of hair that’s sticking on her forehead. “Well you need to! We’ve got classes.” She snuggles closer to me and leans on my chest. This doesn’t feel right… Her hair is not curly. Huh? What? Seriously Niall?! Your girlfriend’s being so cuddly and you think of your best mate? SNAP OUT OF IT!

“You have classes. I have but it’s still in the afternoon.” I correct and I can feel her smile against my chest and she leaves a little kiss there. “Then go to sleep with me.” She says. But I can’t. Not with you in my arms instead of Harry, not if I think you’re cheating on me, not if I think we just fell out of love with each other, not if this doesn’t feel right at all…


But I need to fix this. I love her… At least I think I do.

“Are you… Are you doing anything tomorrow night?” I ask and she looks up from my chest and rubs her sleepy eyes. “Work?” I raise an eyebrow slightly and she nods. “Again…” I mumble and scrunch my eyebrows up. She’s always working! “Baby you know I’m just doing this for us…” Or because you just can’t stand the man that you loved once around you anymore…


“Yeah… Just go to sleep but I’m taking you to the club, after we have dinner. I’m not taking a no as an answer okay?” I say sternly, she gives me a lazy smile but nods and lays down my chest again. I was about to close my eyes but my phone rang…

And you know who texted.



Harry’s POV:

give me a reason |n.s| ✔ - editingWhere stories live. Discover now