Epilogue pt. 1

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Thank you for reading this and being patient. Harry in his golf clothes. Daddy af.

Status: Edited
Harry's POV:

"You dumb fuck! Of course you need to be stubborn and get him back." Louis smacked the back of my head for the umpteenth time today, he hasn't gotten off my back about it ever since I told Liam and him about me and Niall.

"Lou, did you hear what Harry just said? The reason that's stopping him from going back there is that Niall personally doesn't want to see him. Niall told him himself did he not?" Liam puts his hands on his boyfriend's shoulder pads and makes him sit down on my couch.

Louis stops for a minute but then he stands up and screams at our face once again.

"Niall only said that because he thought Harry was still with aussie boy-"

"Michael." I stare at him and he in return shoots me a funny look.

"Michael is his name." I shrug burying myself more under the quilt.

"Irrelevant." He dismisses me before he's pacing again. "So I was saying that Niall only said that because he thought there was still Marry right?" He looks across Liam and me.

"Marry?" Liam's eyebrows knit together in confusion and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm in love with you, Payne." He groans glaring at his lover.

"Because of my body, my good looks and my big co-"

"As Louis was saying." I interrupt before Liam gets to finish his horrid sentence. "Please continue." I coax and he pinches the bridge of his nose sighing.

"Marry is Michael and Harry combined Li, you know their ship name? Irrelevant." He repeats for the second time around.

"So Niall said that because he thought Marry is still alive and now that he's out of the picture..." He trails off his eyes wide as saucers as he looks at me expectantly and now I'm the one who's got furrowed eyebrows before I slowly realize what Louis is trying to convey I stand up quickly grab my shirt and put it on as fast as I can.

"Uhh... Harry what are you doing?" Liam looks lost while Louis only grins and tugs his hand.

"He's going to get his man!" He exclaims excitedly and he then collects the car keys as I get the keys to lock the flat.

"He- what?!" Liam shrieks before his boyfriend is shoving him out of the door and into the car and I regret letting Louis drive.


I stumble down the pavement, Louis was mad, he was so fast and it just made me dizzy. Liam's face was purple he looked like he was going to puke whilst Louis just rubbed his hand across his back making sure he was okay. I though, speed walked up to Niall and Kirsten's flat.

"Niall! Niall!" I shouted and opened the door without hesitation.

"Niall! Niall I-" I stopped in my tracks to see Kirsten with a man, that's definitely not Niall on the couch pressed closed together and flashbacks of Niall heart broken and crying and our first time coming back to me as I tried to kill them with my looks. How dare they do this? And with Niall here too?

"Harry." She whispered. I was about to cuss her out tell how much she doesn't deserve Niall that she's a complete and absolute bitch to hurt someone like him when she interrupts me.

"What are you doing here?" She seems shocked and confused.

"I-Niall... Where is he?" I pant out. Just wanting to talk to the love of my life and get him out as soon as possible.

"Well that explains the letter..." She murmurs before standing up and getting something that is in a white envelope.

Letter? What letter? Why?

Louis and Liam walks in, in time to see what Kirsten gives me.

"She told me to give you that when I see you. I thought you knew..."

"Knew what?" I ask shakily, looking at the envelope.

"That he's leaving for Ireland..." She trails off and my hands go limp, the letter falling at the floor like a glass breaking, my heart with it as I fall down to my knees and feel all life drain out of me.

He was leaving. He left. He left me.

Without a proper goodbye. He left.

Everything seems to be in slow motion that time, I vaguely remember Louis helping me to my feet, mouthing one hour, and then I'm clutching the letter and we're out of the house, I felt sick to my stomach as Liam drove us away, everything was spinning that is until Louis slapped me, literally slapped me from the trance I was in.

I looked around, we're at the airport.

"Get him back Harry. He's not only your friend but ours too." He says firmly but tears are cascading down his cheeks and I hug him tight and whisper.

"I will."

It was a pain in the ass to push through all this people just to stop Niall and now here I am screaming his name at the top of my lungs and not giving any fucks about the people who give me nasty glares, I had to get him back. Get him home.

He was mine.

I went inside the airport quickly looking for him, searching everywhere and screaming out his name.

I was about to lose hope when I see the familiar tuft of blonde hair making me run, my heart beating so fast you'd think I was going to get a heart attack or something and when I finally tap his back and make him turn around he gives me a questioning look and I blush crimson red.

"I'm sorry." I shake my head quickly. "I thought you were my- sorry." The guy glares on me as I slowly back away, I ask someone instead.

"Flight to Ireland?"

"Sir I'm sorry but the plane left ten minutes ago." I nod my head slowly, giving her a smile before finally accepting that this is the end. I look outside, looking at the planes taking off and I sit down on the nearest bench, taking out the letter.

Dear Harry,

Oh god I don't know how to start this, I have a lot to say to you I swear I don't know why everything is a big blank now I'm putting it on paper. Well... Let me start by thanking you for always being there, I couldn't have asked for a better best friend to be honest, you never left my side, you gave in and let me take advantage of you and tried so hard not to let your feelings show, for waiting for me but instead I hurt you, broke your trust, I'm shit I know and I can only make it up to you by doing this, leaving you, don't look at me like that, this will help, we both got on to a wrong start, I think I need to find myself first, find out what I really want before I come back to you and start over, you may think this is irrational now but you'll find out this is for the best someday. I love you, ever since you erased my first kiss with yours, I knew you got me. I love you Harry, and when we try things for the second time, I promise it will be right. We won't have to sneak around anymore, it'll be just us. Now I know it's selfish of me to ask but... Will you wait for me?

P.S: I miss you already, I love you. You'll be on my mind constantly.


Niall xx

I was drowning in my own little puddle of tears by the time I finished reading.

I'll wait for you Niall, I've waited for years and I'll wait for a hundred more if I have to.
This is harrialler anywhooo i just changed my username. Final epilogue will be posted later! Thank you for reading.

All the love! .x


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