Chapter 6:

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a/n: sorry i update so slow :(( comment please!! :)


Status: edited

Harry's POV:

"Ni? Baby? You there?" Kirsten's voice rang out through the whole flat.

I thought my luck actually turned around but obviously, it didn't.

I looked at Niall, his lips were still swollen and his hair is a mess. I flush crimson red and he just runs his hand through his hair while adjusting his jeans.

Woah. I did that? I thought as I look at his crotch.

"Hey! Didn't expect you to be this early," He walks toward Kirsten and gives her a peck at the lips.

Seriously Niall? You didn't even give me a chance to leave the room before pouncing on her? For pete's sake! We just kissed! How can you kiss her?

I just grip the pillow tightly. I don't want them to know what's running inside of my head. Niall pulls away and looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

I don't want your pity I thought.

"Wait... Harry, you guys aren't watching porn right?" I gulp slowly.

Niall looks at her and we begin to both flush in embarrassment.

"Because if you were, I'll go out immediately." She smiles.

I hate how perfect she is sometimes! She's too sweet and kind, I can't hate her.

"What makes you think that babe?" Niall chuckles nervously as Kirsten drop the groceries on the table.

"Well you both look flustered, I just thought you were watching porn, it's a guy thing, its okay." She shrugs and offers me a small smile before putting the groceries in its respective places

"No we weren't, just a bit tired..." from snogging each other's faces off. I add under my breath.

"I better be off," I say almost standing up but my gaze immediately falls down to my raging hard on.

Fuck, how can I cover this up?

"You aren't staying for dinner honey?" Kirsten says sweetly and Niall looks at me hopefully. I just adjust my jeans a bit before standing up and dusting off the imaginary dusts on my jeans.

"I would love to Kirsten but I'm afraid there is someone waiting for me." I smile at her and Niall narrows his eyes towards me.

What did I do?

"You're going to meet her again." He spats while crossing his arms in his chest sternly and Kirsten glares at him before smiling back at me.

"Niall's just jealous someone's spending more time with you, so who's the lucky girl Haz? or boy..." She asks enthusiastically, she's right.

Niall's just being a jealous prick.

"More like who's the lucky whore..." Niall mutters under his breath and Kirsten glares at him even more.

"It's like not she's going to take away your Harry from you Ni," She puts both of her hands at her waist and rolls her eyes at his boyfriend's attitude.

How come she's so comfortable with the fact that Niall is so possessive of me? Shouldn't she be jealous or something?

"Just you wait. She will... Eventually," Niall flops down to one of the bar stools at the kitchen and I can't help but smile.

He really is jealous isn't he?

"Stop sulking mate. Meg and I aren't an item, no need to be jealous she's just a friend." I ruffle his hair.

"Yeah you're just fucking." He says casually. I sigh in defeat and smile lazily at Kirsten.

"Take care of my Niall for me Kirs, I really need to go." I kiss her at the cheek and she nods at me, I walk towards the door but something stops me.

"Harry..." I snap my head towards his direction. He's standing up while playing with his phone and wait... He's blushing.

"A- uhh- Give me a call when you get home?" He says longingly and I smirk.

"After my date, I will..." And with that I leave him.

Niall's POV:

Great! I didn't even get the chance to talk about the kiss. The thing is, I loved it, every single moment of it. Kissing Harry just felt so right to me, like our lips were perfectly made to mold against each other.

Ever since and if he would give me a chance, I'll definitely kiss him again.

"Hey Babe? Something wrong?" Kirsten asks worriedly, I smile at her.

She's still my girlfriend and I still love her, I tap my lap and she smirks, leaving her work in the kitchen and easily slides onto my lap while placing both of her arms at my shoulders and her hands playing with my hair at the nape of my neck.

"Mm... Nah, just missing you and all." She smiles sweetly and gives me a long kiss at the lips.

Kissing Kirsten? Amazing. Not just as amazing as kissing Harry.

"Are you doing anything tonight? Thought we could..." I wriggle my eyebrows at her while playing with the buttons of her jeans. She traces my jaw line with her fingertips while pressing open-mouth kisses to it, and with a cheeky smirk, she pecks me at the lips and slides off my lap.

What the fuck?

"Sorry Baby, I have work," She continues her work in the kitchen while I whine.

"You always have work." I sigh and cross my arms in my chest. She looks at me and pouts while walking towards me again and kneeling before me.

"What I do is for the both of us, you do know that right?" She takes the both of my hand and kisses it.

"Yeah, let's just eat dinner," I stand up from the bar stool and go to the dining table.

I really feel lonely... I wish Harry is here.

a/n: please fan, comment and vote!! thx.

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