Chapter 21:

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Dedicated this to Stacey because her comment made my heart flutter… Thank you!

Sorry if this is shitty btw.


Niall’s POV:


“Niall? Baby? I’m going now!” Kirsten’s voice echoed through the whole flat as she got ready for her trip to her hometown, she asked me if I wanted to go but I politely declined.

It’s because I miss him.


It’s been almost a month when we last talked to each other, and that was well… The encounter in his bedroom.

He would avoid me in school, not even acknowledging my presence and that hurt.


But I get it, it’s only because he wants to move on from me…

But do I want him to?

I would not lie. I don’t want him to move on…

I don’t want him to ever move on…

Call me selfish but I don’t want to see him with another guy.


But there’s nothing I can do now… I ruined everything between us.

So I just sat on my bed and remembered our childhood memories…

Like that one time…

(A/N: Flashbacks will be written like this)


“Harry?” Niall asked as he fiddled with his fingers. “Yes Niall?” Harry asked as he sat down with his best friend for 4 years, they were 8 years old that time. He swung his legs back and forth as he turned his head around to look at his best friend who has an evident blush sprayed across his cheeks. “I… I had my first kiss.” He spun around and sat cross-legged across his curly-haired best friend. “Who?!” Harry perked up and mirrored his best friend’s sitting position. “Ariana…” Niall mumbled and Harry looked baffled, when he kissed Felicite at the lips, he got giddy and smiled all day, what happened to his best mate? “Ni… Is something bothering you?” Niall bowed his head down in shame and continued to fiddle with his fingers. He was so ashamed Ariana freaked out when he kissed her. “She… She didn’t like it.” Niall admitted and Harry smile fondly at his best mate. “The red-haired girl is it?” Harry asked and Niall nodded. “Hey Nialler?” Harry called his attention and Niall tilted his head upwards to look at Harry. Harry then leaned in and pressed his lips at his best friend’s for a brief moment. Niall’s eyes widened and he unconsciously touched his lips when Harry pulled away.


Why did Harry kiss him?


Boys only kiss girls right?


Why does he feel like his chest is about to burst?

give me a reason |n.s| ✔ - editingWhere stories live. Discover now