Chapter 3:

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Very little nosh smut ahead!!! Enjoy.

Status: Edited

"Oh hey there Niall! Sup?" Louis answers Niall's call. He expected it to be Liam but they're boyfriends so I guess it's fine.

He quickly makes his way in their house, which is only a couple of blocks away from Harry's house and goes to his room.

"Do you happen to know any party I can crash at?" He just hears their giggles in the background and rolls his eyes immediately.

"Lou can you stop being so sexual with Li for a minute and answer me." He says with an annoyed tone.

A little distance wouldn't hurt you know. He thinks.

"You can't stop me. He's my boyfriend and we're drunk... And horny." insert kissing sounds here.

"Me and Liam are just like you and boo. You are in no position to tell me to stay away from Lili." When he says boo he means Harry.

Yeah, without Harry he can't function you know? He's no use without him.

"Whatever. So how's that party?" He asks again as he changes his clothes into something better. Something hotter...

If he wants to snog a jock.

"Perrie's place. Now. Should we invite Harold?"

"Nah. Don't think so but ring him anyways. Don't want Harry feeling left out." He sneaks out of the house and walks his way to Perrie's place.

"Aww... It's cute how you guys are so possessive of each other. Sometimes we really wonder why you guys aren't together." Niall blushes at that.

"I'm almost there Lou. See you." He hangs up and enters Perrie's house. It's amazing how the party's still in a full blast. People making out in the corner, grinding against each other to the music and drunk people everywhere.

He sees Zayn with an arm around Perrie's shoulder and Perrie looking at him dreamily.

That girl is really smitten with his best mate.

And then there's Louis playing beer pong with Liam cheering him and giving him kisses. They look so cute.

"Hi Niall." And then there's Demi...

"Oh hey D!" He tries to greet enthusiastically but fails.

"So wanna..." She looks at him seductively and licks her lips while Niall tries to pull away from her.

"Get drunk and make out?" She asks and Niall just breathes in deeply and looks at her.

They're not dating, they did but it didn't work out. It's more of like a fling. In which when she needs him, he's there to make out and make her feel better and then vice versa but Niall doesn't need Demi now does he?

"Sorry D... But I don't feel like it right now." He doesn't intend to sound harsh but he did so as a result Demi rolled her eyes.

"Fine." She hisses and Niall exhales in relief.

Louis wins the game and Liam throws his arms around him and kisses him hard. Like really HARD. He finally pulls away and notices Niall around the corner.

"Hey blondie!" He shouts as he drags Liam towards Niall.


"I called curly, told me he's not coming. Something wrong? He never misses out a party." Niall blushes deeply as he remembers their little experiment in Harry's room a while ago.

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