I wanna be like a worm

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"Johiro!" Yumiko shouted, rushing over to her 2 and a half year old son on the playground, pulling his squishy (albeit dirt covered) hands out of his mouth, his drool turning the dirt on his hands into a muddy, gross mixture, "don't eat that, it's yucky!"

"But I wanna be like wowm(worm)!" Johiro exclaimed, slapping his hands into his hair, the mud getting stuck in his curly red hair.

Yumiko sighed, picking up her son and bringing him over to the bench where she had been sitting, a two seater stroller standing tall beside it, carefully cradling Johiro's little brother Yuhi, and sat Johiro onto the bench.

She grabbed a pack of wet wipes from the mesh basket hanging from the bottom of the stroller, opening the pack and pulling a wipe out, using it to wipe the mud out of Johiro's hair and off of his hands, throwing the dirty wipe and the pack into the mesh basket and helping Johiro down from the bench, letting him run off to play and sitting down on the bench once more.

"He's a handful," Yukako chuckled, bouncing her one year old daughter on her knee, keeping the baby distracted from the park where her now four year old big sister Kaya was running around with Johiro.

"You're lucky to have two girls, boys are hectic," Yumiko sighed, leaning back against the wooden bench.

"Hey, have your boys ever fought over who gets to have purple as their favourite colour?" Yukako asked, feigning offence.

"No, because Yuhi doesn't know what colours are," Yumiko chuckled.

Okuyasu giggled from the other side of the bench, his face buried in his phone.

"He was begging to come with us when we stopped by to get Johiro's sunscreen, but he hasn't been running around with the kids at all," Yumiko whispered to Yukako.

"What's so interesting on his phone anyway?"

"Hm?" Okuyasu mumbled, looking up at his two friends.

"Why aren't you playing with the kids, Okuyasu?" Yumiko asked.

"Oh, it's just Ivy, she's been busy all week and just finally found time to text me," Okuyasu replied.

"Oh, how long has it been since you last went to visit?" Yumiko asked.

"It's been almost a year, I miss her," Okuyasu sighed.

"She should come visit us here in Morioh! I miss her too, I'd love to see her again," Yumiko smiled.

"That's a totally awesome idea!" Okuyasu exclaimed, "I'll ask her right now!" he added, excitedly tapping at his phone and squealing excitedly, "she thinks it's an awesome idea! She's going to look up flights right now!"

Yukako nudged Yumiko with her elbow, clearing her throat to get Yumiko's attention.

"Who's Ivy?" Yukako asked.

"When me and Okuyasu lived in Italy during college, he met this chick Ivy who's a big indie game dev and they hit it off but since then her fame kinda dropped, they're in a long distance relationship right now," Yumiko replied, pushing the stroller back and forth when Yuhi began to fuss.

"Oh! He has a girlfriend?" Yukako questioned, her head tilted to the side.

"Yup and she's the most beautiful girl in the world!" Okuyasu exclaimed, "Here, let me show you a picture of her!" Okuyasu added, looking through his phone and shoving it into Yukako's face.

"Oh wow, she really is pretty Oku," Yukako said, scanning over the photo.

The woman was petite, with tanned skin similar to Okuyasu's, her hair was short and dark brown, with green eyes. She was dressed in a long coat tied at the waist, standing against an iron fence.

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