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"So how have you two been?" Yumiko asked, setting down plates of food in front of her family.

"Good, delivering lots of babies nowadays," Noriko replied.

"Yup! Business is booming!" Henrique chuckled.

"You have babies gwammy?" Johiro asked.

"Oh no honey, I help other people have babies, I'm what's called a midwife, that's what I do for my job," Noriko explained.


"Because some people need help to do that."


"Because it's difficult."


"Johiro, how about you try asking a harder question?" Yumiko said, playing with her food out of boredom.

"Okay! What does papa do?" Johiro asked.

"Papa is a doctor," Henrique replied with a hearty smile.

"What about mommy?"

"I'm a teacher."


"I'm a police officer, like your great grandpa!"

“Wow! Why?”

“Because my grandpa was very important to me, he was a police officer so I wanted to be a police officer!”

“Gwandpa was impowtant to you? I wanna be a please officew!” Johiro exclaimed, “because daddy’s impowtant to me! I wanna be like him when I’m big!”

“Aw Josuke, did you hear that? He wants to be just like his dad!” Henrique cried, aweing at his grandson.

Josuke’s face was blank, “are you ok?” Yumiko asked, shaking Josuke’s shoulder, shocked when his eyes started to water.

“Johiro, you are such a special guy to me,” Josuke wavered, standing up and picking his son out of his chair and spinning him around in the air, “you’re awesome JoJo!”

“And there he is,” Yumiko chuckled, going back to eating her dinner.


“Woah! It’s a puppy!” Johiro squealed, picking up a stuffed dog from one of the colourful bags set in front of him.

“Uh oh, hopefully Mochi and King don’t get jealous,” Yumiko mumbled.

“Speaking of those two, where are they?” Noriko asked, bouncing Yuhi on her knee.

“Well, I know dad’s allergic so they’re at Tomoko’s house,” Yumiko replied.

“I’m not allergic! They’re just big dogs and I’m scared of them!” Henrique exclaimed.

Yumiko chuckled, “I know, I was just trying to save you from teasing.”

“Papa you scawed (scared) of doggies?” Johiro asked, “but my doggies awe nice!”

“He’s right, Mochi is protective but she’s gentle, and King is such a softie we had to get Mochi because he couldn’t guard the house,” Yumiko added.

“King is just as good a guard dog as Mochi!” Josuke exclaimed in defence of his beloved german shepherd.

“You baby him, he’s a 5 year old dog Josuke, he’s a man now, not a puppy, he wasn’t even a puppy when we got him, he was juvenile!”

“Alright alright, calm down you two, Josuke, you do baby King, and Yumiko, King is just as good of a guard dog as Mochi,” Noriko said, “now we have to run, Cerise needs some help with the kids and housework tonight,” she added, handing Yuhi off to Josuke, “hopefully we’ll see you soon.”

“Thanks mom, we’ll see you soon,” Yumiko said as she led her parents to the front door.

“King’s a good dog right Yuhi?” Josuke asked, Yuhi replying with a squawk.

“Daddy, it’s baf night! We have to go!” Johiro exclaimed, grabbing his dad’s hand.

“Alright, let’s go,” Josuke chuckled, bringing his sons upstairs, the almost 4 year old dragging Josuke by the hand behind him as the almost 2 year old in Josuke’s arms tugged at his hair, “Yuhi! Ouch! No, we don’t touch daddy’s hair,” Josuke said, gently taking Yuhi’s hands away from his head, Yuhi bursting into tears.

“Oh no, oh no no no,” Josuke panicked, “hey it’s ok Yuhi! Daddy’s not mad!” Josuke said, attempting to comfort his son.

But Yuhi only cried harder.

“Daddy! I want a bubble baf!” Johiro exclaimed, tugging on the leg of Josuke’s pants.

“Sorry Johiro, I can’t help right now, I’m trying to calm down your brother,” Josuke said, his voice shaking as he tried to stop the tears.

Johiro threw himself onto the ground, hitting the floor with his fists, “but I wanna bubble baf!!! And I can’t weach the bubbles!!!” he screamed.

“What’s going on?” Yumiko asked, running up the stairs, “it sounds like a damn battle up here!”

“I told Yuhi he couldn’t pull my hair and then he started crying,” Josuke explained, “then Johiro was asking me for a bubble bath and I said I couldn’t right now and he started throwing a tantrum!”

“Ok Johiro, no tantrums!” Yumiko said sternly, picking Johiro up by the back of his shirt, Johiro going limp to try and slow his mom down as she carried him to his bedroom, “Josuke, start the bath, I’ll calm down Yuhi.”
Yumiko took Yuhi from Josuke, carrying him to his own bedroom while Josuke started to run the bath.

“Hey bud, I got your bubble bath ready,” Josuke said, picking up Johiro who sniffled.

“Thank you,” Johiro mumbled, Josuke sitting him up on the dresser, helping his son undress for his bath and wrapping him in a bathrobe, carrying him to the bathroom.

All was peaceful in the Higashikata house once more.

“Finally the chaos is over!” Josuke exclaimed quietly, falling backwards onto the bed.

“I know, I’m exhausted!” Yumiko replied.

“So what’s going on in girl world?” Josuke asked.

“Girl world?” Yumiko said, giggling.

“Mean girls? I thought you knew!”

“I do! It’s just I call it ‘my life’ and not girl world,” Yumiko said, continuing to giggle, “But everything is fine, I’m fine, Yukako’s fine, Ivy’s fine, everyone is good.”

“You don’t seem fine, I know when you’re actually ‘fine’ and this is not it, you’re more irritable than usual,” Josuke inquired.

Yumiko sighed, taking a second to pet the large rottweiler named Mochi laying at her feet, fast asleep.

“If I tell you, will you promise not to make a huge deal about it?” Yumiko asked.

“When have I made a huge deal out of anything?” Josuke asked, Yumiko rolling her eyes., “I’m kidding! I promise not to make a huge deal about it.”

“Alright,” Yumiko sighed, rolling over to dig through her nightstand before grabbing something and rolling back over, handing it to Josuke.

It was a small box, wrapped with a bow.

“Open it,” Yumiko said, hesitantly.
Josuke tugged open the ribbon and took off the lid of the box.

“You’re kidding!” he whispered, taking a small object out of the box, “how long have you known?”

“Ivy convinced me back at Aurora’s birthday party,” Yumiko smiled meekly, “I was a little nervous to give it to you.”

“Are you kidding me? Yu, this is amazing news!” Josuke squealed, pulling his wife into his chest, staring at the object in his hand,

“I’m going to be a dad again!”

Tea Errors (Josuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now