Happy Womb Escape Day

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"How are you feeling?" Josuke asked, massaging Yumiko's back as she leaned against a large exercise ball.

"The meds helped, but I still feel a lot of pressure and it's a little uncomfortable," Yumiko explained, "but this helps."

"No problem, I'm not the one giving birth so it's the least I can do," Josuke said, "let's try walking around a bit now, see if that helps anything progress."

Josuke helped Yumiko up off the floor, walking around the room, "feeling any different?"

"A little, yeah," Yumiko replied.

"Would you like to sit down and try some breathing exercises?" Josuke asked.

"That'd be nice."

Yumiko was sat on the hospital bed, trying to breathe, "Josuke, can you call a nurse?"



Josuke bounced from foot to foot, shaking his hands and head too cool off.

"Josuke! Why do you need to cool down!? This is your third time doing all of this!" Yumiko shouted, digging the back of her head into the hospital bed in frustration and pain.

"Sorry sorry!" Josuke squeaked, running back over to take his position beside his wife.

"We need one more really good push and then we're done!" Announced the doctor at the end of the hospital bed, Yumiko squeezing Josuke's hand for any form of reassurance.

"Ready? Push!"

Josuke held onto Yumiko's as she pushed, "come on, you're doing so good honey! Just keep pushing! Push!" He chanted.

"Come on, come on, we got the baby! You're all done! Good job, you have a healthy baby boy!" The doctor announced as they caught the newborn, bringing him up to Yumiko and laying him on her chest.

"Maybe it's all the adrenaline and I'm thinking weird but did you say it's a boy?" Josuke asked, panting.

"Yes, you have a baby boy Mr Higashikata," a nurse confirmed.

"No no we were told we were having a girl," he explained.

"Oh, on your chart it says you had Dr Tanaka doing your scans, that explains it," the nurse said, "she is notorious for mistaking the male parts for umbilical cords, but she's a fantastic doctor so she still has her job."

"Josuke, it's fine," Yumiko said, out of breath, "I'm a better mom for boys anyway, and look at him, he's beautiful," she said, directing Josuke's gaze to their newborn son, wailing his lungs out on his mother's chest as he took his first breaths.

Josuke's eyes began to well up, looking closely at his son before the infant was taken away to be washed.

"So what are we going to name him?" Josuke asked, sniffling and wiping tears out of his eyes.

"Well it needs to start with an H," Yumiko sniffled back.

"What about Hisaki?"

"I think it's perfect," Yumiko replied, Nurses helping her sit up just a bit more before bringing back her now quiet and sleeping son.

Just like his brothers, Hisaki had the trademark red hair of the Kakyoin family, but a small star birthmark on his shoulder.

He was held in a hospital blanket with a striped hat on his head.

Josuke had moved to sit in the hospital bed beside Yumiko to get a better look at his son, who was tightly holding on to Yumiko's finger.

"It's crazy how someone this tiny can be so strong," Yumiko whispered, "I love hospitals, remember when I gave birth to Johiro? That was a nightmare."

"Well you barely had any pain killers and it was your first time, your mother was also your midwife because we had a son of Dio after us too and it was too dangerous in a hospital," Josuke recollected.

"Right, can't forget that night," Yumiko chuckled, "do you want to hold him?"

"I would be honoured," Josuke smiled, Yumiko handing him the baby, "hey there Hisaki, sorry for saying you were a girl all these months."

"I think he accepts your apology," Yumiko said with a soft smile, "but I still think you'd look good in a tiara."

"I think you might be right."


"What!?" Tomoko exclaimed in the hospital waiting room where she was sitting with the boys, "is my hearing getting bad or did you just say it's a boy?"

"You heard right mom, turns out our doctor thought his weiner was an umbilical cord," Josuke explained, earning a giggle from Johiro at the word "weiner" who in return got a stern look from Tomoko.

"So you have three sons, congratulations Josuke," Tomoko said, tearfully smiling as she hugged her son, "now let's go meet baby brother."

The four walked into the recovery room, Yumiko waiting patiently with Hisaki in her arms.

"Mommy!" Johiro and Yuhi exclaimed, running to her bedside.

"My boys! I missed you!" Yumiko cried, Josuke lifting them onto the bed where she hugged them both as tightly as she could while holding a baby.

"Sistew?" Yuhi asked, peeking over at the baby.

"Actually, you two have a baby brother, this is Hisaki," Yumiko said, showing the boys the new baby.

"He's little," Johiro whispered.

"Yes he is," Yumiko replied, "you wanna hold him?"


"Alright, Josuke, can you help them wash their hands?"

Josuke nodded, picking up his sons and bringing them over to the sink, washing their hands before bringing them back and sitting them on the bed.

"Ok Johiro first," Yumiko said, helping her oldest son hold her youngest.

"Woah! He's moving!" Johiro squealed.

"How about we let Yuhi have a turn before Nana starts to get impatient," Josuke chuckled.

Johiro was replaced with Yuhi, Yuhi watching his little brother moving in his arms.

"Alright, Nana's turn," Yumiko said, picking up Hisaki and handing him to Tomoko.

"Oh Yumiko, Josuke, this is the prettiest one of all!" Tomoko whispered, using her index finger to move the edge of the hospital blanket covering the bottom of Hisaki's face to peek over and see his entire face, "he's precious."

"Don't tell that to Yukako, she'll get upset that you didn't say that about her girls," Josuke chuckled.

"Oh hush, she'll get over it when she sees him, look at that nose, and his little lips, oh he's gorgeous Yumiko," Tomoko said as she stared into the face of her sleeping grandson, swaying side to side with him cradled in her arms.

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