That's my girl!

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"Happy birthday dear Aurora, happy birthday to you!" The group sang, Ivy placing a cupcake with a candle in front of Aurora, helping her blow out the flame.

"That's my girl!" Okuyasu smiled, kissing his daughter on the cheek, making her squeal with laughter.

"Happy birthday Aurora!" Josuke exclaimed, walking back into the kitchen, holding both his sons off the floor by the backs of their tee shirts.

"What did they do now?" Yumiko asked, taking Yuhi from Josuke.

"I found them in the laundry chute, Johiro got them stuck," Josuke said sternly, lifting up Johiro so he was eye level with his father.

Johiro stuck his tongue out at Josuke blowing raspberries at him before wiggling out of his grasp and running to the living room.

"He's a little shit," Josuke grumbled.

"Language babe," Yumiko scolded.

"He's still a little shit, like what did we do wrong?"

"He's a kid, they aren't exactly the smartest things," Yumiko replied, handing a cupcake to Josuke before heading into the livingroom to watch over the rest of the Hirose-Nijimura-Higashikata-Kakyoin kids.

"But he was such a sweet little boy before and now he hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you, he's just being rebellious," Yumiko chuckled, ruffling her now three and a half year old's hair before letting him go play with the other kids.

"Rebellious my ass, he hates me," Josuke whined, "my own son!"

"Josuke, sit down," Yumiko instructed, "look, what is this?" She asked, pointing at Yuhi.

"My other son."

"And what happens when I do this?" Yumiko asked, holding Yuhi up to Josuke, Yuhi making grabby hands at his dad.

"He tries to grab me?"

Yumiko smiled and nodded, “why do you think he does that?”

“I don’t know.”

“Because you’re his dad, he knows that and he loves you, Johiro will get jealous at some point if he sees you walking around with his little brother instead of him so go play with your sons,” Yumiko said, pushing Josuke over towards Johiro.

Eventually the party ended, Yumiko helping clean up as Josuke slept on the couch alongside Okuyasu, Aurora napping on Okuyasu’s chest, Yuhi snuggled up between Josuke’s side and the back of the couch while Johiro lay upside down, his feet up on the couch and the rest of him in a heap on the floor, all fast asleep.

“Remind me what work they did today?” Ivy asked, picking up garbage while Yumiko swept.

“They were dads, Okuyasu spent a lot of energy trying to keep Aurora happy and Josuke had a dad crisis, they deserve a little nap,” Yumiko chuckled.

“Ah I see, good to let them sleep then,” Ivy chuckled, “up for a non-alcoholic beverage?”

“Why specifically non-alcoholic?” Yumiko asked.

“Okuyasu is worried that wine “fumes” will get to Aurora,” Ivy sighed, “I’d kill for a glass of real wine."

"Same here," Yumiko replied, chuckling.


"Ok you two are getting heavy," Josuke puffed, holding Yuhi and Johiro over his shoulders, their bodies limp with sleep.

"They're big boys now Josuke," Yumiko chuckled, opening the back door of the car, pushing some stray crayons and colouring books onto the floor.

"I have to clean the car soon," Yumiko mumbled, taking Johiro from Josuke and securing him into his car seat, Josuke putting Yuhi on the other side.

"Eh, it gives it personality," Josuke chuckled.

"Sure it does," Yumiko rolled her eyes.
Josuke climbed into the driver's seat buckling himself in as Yumiko did the same.

It was a short drive to their house, it was quiet too with the boys asleep. Josuke pulled into the driveway and parked, turning off the engine and getting out of the car to get the boys as Yumiko unlocked the house.

"And home again," she sighed, letting Josuke inside, shutting the door behind them.

“Ok let’s get them to bed,” Josuke yawned, kicking off his shoes and carrying the boys upstairs.

Once upstairs, Yumiko peeled Johiro off of Josuke, taking off his shoes and tossing them onto the floor before laying him on his bed, “goodnight JoJo,” Yumiko whispered, kissing her son’s cheek and tucking him in before turning off the light and shutting the door, meeting Josuke in the hallway.

“Did he stay asleep?” Josuke asked.

“Yup, like a rock, what about Yuhi?”

“He’s still asleep.”

“Thank god, we can sleep!” Yumiko whispered.

Josuke chuckled, walking to the bedroom, changing into his pyjamas alongside his wife before burying himself in the bed’s blankets, Yumiko following, looking at her phone.

“Oh no..”

“What’s wrong?” Josuke asked.

“My parents are coming down to visit Cerise for a while and they want to see the boys,” Yumiko sighed.

“What’s wrong with that? I love your dad, he's awesome!” Josuke said, sitting up.

“I love them too but seeing my parents just makes me feel worse, I can only see my brother,” Yumiko groaned.

“Oh…hey, it’ll be ok. They’re your parents, they just want to help Cerise, they won’t be around us all the time, I can even bring the boys to see them so you don’t have to.”

“It’s ok Josuke, I want to see them. It's been almost 4 years since the last time I saw them. I think I should talk to my parents,” Yumiko said.

“Good for you Yumiko,” Josuke said, with a soft smile spread on his face, “everything will be fine, you'll see."

Yumiko sighed, snuggling into Josuke's side, "I hope you're right…"


"Oh my boys!" Yumiko's mother exclaimed, Johiro running up to his grandmother while Yuhi toddled.

"Gwammy!" Johiro exclaimed, "mommy! Gwammy's hewe!"

"So she is, hi mom," Yumiko said from a short distance.

"Hi Yumiko, your dad's just out getting some stuff from that car, we brought the boys some gifts," Noriko explained, setting the two boys back on the ground.

"I'm back!" A large red headed man exclaimed, bursting through the door, his arms weighed down with colourful bags.

"Papa Henwy!" Johiro squealed.

"Hey little man!" Henrique shouted heartily.

"Hey Henry!" Josuke exclaimed.

"There's my favourite son in law! How've you been Josuke? I'm hoping there's no other surprise grandkids we didn't expect?" Henrique joked.

"Haha, not this time," Josuke replied, earning an elbow to the ribs from Yumiko, Henrique cackling.

"That's my girl!"

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