I'm so Happy

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"Daddy," Johiro said, him and Yuhi approaching their father on the couch, "what are these?"

Johiro held up a photo album, passing it to Josuke.

"It's a photo album, it's got pictures inside," Josuke explained, helping the boys up on the couch on either side of him, "see, this is me and mommy when we got married, Johiro was there too, but you weren't cooking yet," Josuke chuckled, ruffling Yuhi's hair.

He turned the page, "and here's us at the hospital when Yuhi was born, that was a few months after the wedding," Josuke said, smiling.

"But daddy, doesn't it take nine months for a baby to cook?" Johiro asked, "how long did it take Yuhi?"

"Well Yuhi was born in March and we got married in June…. Eight months," Josuke replied.

"Mommy!" Johiro shouted, Yumiko walking into the living room.

"What do you need Jojo?" She asked.

"Why did it take Yuhi eight months to cook and I took nine?"

"No Yuhi took nine months too, I was a couple weeks pregnant when me and daddy got married, I figured that out later," Yumiko explained, "daddy didn't know?"

"No, I didn't," Josuke pouted.

"I'm sorry, I thought you did," Yumiko replied, "well, now we both know."
"Yeah…" Josuke mumbled.

"Daddy, who's that?" Johiro asked, pointing to a picture.

"Oh that's your uncle-" Josuke began.

"I think that's enough pictures for today," Yumiko said, taking away the album.

"Awww," Johiro and Yuhi whined.

"Yu, they're going to find out at some point," Josuke said.

"Not today," Yumiko hissed, putting the book on the highest shelf of a bookshelf in the living room.

"Please tell us daddy," the boys pleaded.

"I'm sorry boys, I don't want mommy to be sad," Josuke said.


"Because that was someone she loved very much and she can't see them anymore…"

"Come on guys, we're going to Auntie Cerise's house!"


The boys ran around the house with their cousins, playing games and hiding around corners.

"Hey I saw him in our picture book today!" Johiro exclaimed, stopping in front of a family photo hanging on the wall, pointing to Kakyoin.

"Oh, that's our dad," Sakura explained, taking the picture off the wall and showing it to Johiro more closely.

"I wanna meet him!" Johiro exclaimed.

Sakura hung up the picture back on the wall and sighed softly, "alright, come with me."

She led Johiro to a door in the hall, Akai stopping her.

"Sakura, we aren't allowed in mom's room when the family is over," he said.

"Johiro doesn't know about dad…" Sakura said softly.

"Oh…go ahead then…" Akai said, stepping away from the door.

Sakura walked into Cerise's bedroom, holding Johiro's hand tightly, stopping in front of a dresser.

"Hey dad," she whispered, gently rubbing the urn that sat on the wooden surface, "this is Johiro, you remember him right? He wanted to say hi."

"He's in that jar?" Johiro asked.

"Yup, my dad died when you were really little," Sakura sighed, "but he pretty much saved your life when you were born, he protected you from a really bad guy."

"Oh…this is Uncle Nori…" Johiro mumbled, "hi Uncle Nori, thank-you for saving my life!"

Sakura smiled, "alright dude, we gotta go before our parents find us."

"Too late," Yumiko grumbled.

"Aunt Yumiko! Hey…" Sakura said, feeling guilty.

"Hey Sakura, hey Johiro," Yumiko replied, "so this is where the urn's been all this time," Yumiko said, looking around the room, "hey Nori, I missed you…"

"Mommy, when did Uncle Noriaki die?" Johiro asked.

"Just a little while after me and daddy got married…" Yumiko explained, "Right around the time I found out I was pregnant with Yuhi…"

"Well we need to introduce him to Yuhi!" Johiro exclaimed, running out of the room and bringing Yuhi back, "Uncle Noriaki, this is my little brother Yuhi!"

Yumiko smiled at her sons as they spoke to the urn, Sakura giggling at her cousins.

"I have an other brother named Hisaki, he's just a baby!" Johiro exclaimed, "I'm so happy!"


"So I hear they found out about Noriaki?" Josuke asked, holding Yumiko in his arms as they fell asleep.

"Yeah… it's been so long…" Yumiko mumbled, "I didn't know where the urn was…we buried the rest of him but when we got his spine back from the lab we didn't want to let go so we got it cremated, but I had no idea where it was in the house…"

"How do you feel now that you know where it is?" Josuke asked.

"I feel…better, freed a little…and the boys know about him too, it makes me happier," Yumiko replied.

"Good, hopefully now you can speak more freely about your brother, maybe it'll help you heal," Josuke said, burying his face in Yumiko's neck, "I love you, I want you to heal…"

Yumiko smiled softly, brushing her fingers through Josuke's hair, clumpy and damp from washing out the product in it.

"I love you too Josuke, and I'm trying…"

Josuke smiled into Yumiko's neck, "thank you, and I'm gonna be here until we die old people in rocking chairs, taking care of Johiro, Yuhi, and Hisaki's kids," he chuckled.

"Oh god, that'll be an adventure," Yumiko groaned.

"I could see Johiro having two little girls and he's completely wrapped around their little fingers," Josuke said, a soft smile on his face, "Yuhi's just got one kid though, but not so sure about Hisaki right now."

"Yeah, because Hisaki is a baby," Yumiko giggled, "but I can totally see Johiro having daughters."

"But we don't mind if they don't have kids," Josuke said, "right?"

"Yup, I don't care," Yumiko said with a smile, "Just as long as I get to grow old with you," she added, turning to face Josuke, still wrapped in his embrace.

"Mhm, we can get matching rocking chairs and I'll massage your hands when your arthritis gets bad, I'll tell you how pretty you are every day, and I'll tell you how much I love you, I'll make you breakfast in bed and we'll cuddle until we can't anymore," Josuke said, holding Yumiko close to his chest and kissing the top of her head, "and I'll buy you flowers, and do the things you can't when you get old…"

"You're talking like you won't get old either," Yumiko said with a soft giggle.

"I don't plan on getting old," Josuke teased, "I'm going to stay like this until I die just so that I can keep you comfortable."

"Josuke, why do you think we had so many kids?" Yumiko giggled.

Josuke thought for a moment, "well the only planned one was Yuhi so I'm assuming it's my fault," he said.

Yumiko howled with laughter, "well yeah but now that we have them, they can help us when we're too sore to do anything ourselves, you can be old with me," she smiled.

"Well that's good, I don't want to miss out on being old people with you," Josuke chuckled.

"Good, I love you Josuke."

"I love you too honey…"

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