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"Day I'm not sure of this ever repeating discomfort," Yumiko hissed, Josuke pulling her up from their bed.

"I know, there's only a few more months left," Josuke replied, a hand on Yumiko's belly.

"You have no idea how little that helps," Yumiko replies in a blunt tone, swatting his hand off of her stomach, "I'm not even halfway through this pregnancy and it's already worse than the last two combined!"

Josuke's smile turned sombre, "I know honey, but me and the boys are so proud of you! And we don't want to be late to our appointment, the boys wanted to come too so I need to get them dressed," Josuke replied, "are you ok to get dressed by yourself?"

"I'll be fine," Yumiko said with a soft smile, "are you guys really proud of me?"

"Absolutely! You're handling everything like a champ!"


"Wanna help me Johiro?" The Higashikata family doctor asked, Johiro nodded.

She picked him up and set him on her lap, handing him a squeeze bottle of gel, "we're gonna put some of that on mommy's belly to see the baby," the doctor explained.

"Okay! I help!" Johiro squealed, the doctor rolling her chair closer to Yumiko, who laid on the exam table with her shirt pulled up over her stomach, the waistband of her pants tucked under.

She helped Johiro squeeze some of the cold gel onto Yumiko's stomach.

"Jelly!" Johiro exclaimed.

"Yup! It's gonna help me find where the baby is!"

The doctor took the ultrasound wand dragging it around to spread the gel then searching for the baby.

"Look Johiro, there's the baby," the doctor explained, pointing to the screen.

"Woah!" Johiro replied, "Daddy come look!" He said reaching for Josuke, who brought Yuhi over as well, "the baby is thewe! (There!)"

"It's cool isn't it?" Josuke chuckled, "let's go sit back down so the doctor can do her work ok?"

"Okay!" Johiro giggled, wiggling out of the doctor's lap to sit with Josuke.

"Let's see here," the doctor mumbled as she looked around, "how are you feeling mom?"

"Worse than when I was pregnant with those two," Yumiko replied, "sickness is worse, I'm swelling this time, and this baby is more restless than their brothers were too, it makes it harder to sleep."

"I see," the doctor replied, "ah here we are! I have the sex of your baby if you'd like to know or would you like to keep it a surprise?"

"What should we do Josuke?" Yumiko asked.

"Boys," Josuke began, "do you want to find out if you have a little brother or a little sister right now, or later?" He asked.

"Now!" The two boys cheered.

"Alright, it looks like you're having a little girl!"

"You know, I think you'd look good in a tiara Josuke," Yumiko chuckled.

"I would not!"


"What are we going to name her?" Yumiko mumbled, laying on her side as she and Josuke tried to fall asleep.

"Something that starts with an H," Josuke replied, groggily.

"Why an H?"

"Double H, something like Hana Higashikata," Josuke said.

"I like that, Hana Higashikata, it's got a nice ring to it," Yumiko said softly, smiling in the dark.

Josuke smiled back, resting his hand on the baby bump, tiny kicks hitting his hand, "she's one strong baby that's for sure."

"She's just like you," Yumiko mumbled, half asleep, "y'know, strong."

Josuke smiled wider, "I love you so much, I hope you know that."

"I do, if I didn't we wouldn't have three kids together," Yumiko chuckled, "I love you too Josuke."

The next morning the family got to work, cleaning the old guest room to turn into a nursery.

Over time the room was painted a toned grey, the crib that had been reused over the years pushed into the corner.

The walls were decorated with pictures of animals, a gliding rocking chair sitting in the corner across from the crib. A bookshelf beside the closet held sets of new books (Johiro and Yuhi not wanting to share their beloved favourites) and a soft basket of toys sat beside the crib. Little by little, over a few months, the room was coming together.

"Ok last ones," Josuke chuckled, lifting Johiro up to the, helping him stick a glow in the dark star onto the surface before helping Yuhi do the same, Yumiko watching from the rocking chair with adoration as she dug through bags of hand me down clothes from Yukako, who was planning on donating the ones Yumiko didn't keep.

"All done!" Yuhi giggled, Josuke setting him down on the ground.

"It looks great guys," Yumiko said with a smile.

"Do you think baby sistew will like it?" Johiro asked.

"I think she'll love it," Yumiko said, her voice slowing to a stop, "in fact she loves it so much she's coming to see it right now!"

"Oh my god are you serious?" Josuke asked, wide eyed.

"Yup, it's time," Yumiko nodded, groaning as she stood up, "you get the bag and I'll call your mom?"

"You got it."

I know, short chapter but we'll get to the meat and potatoes in the next one!
-Synonym <3

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