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TW: discussion of pregnancy issues and past wounds

Yumiko and Josuke bustled around the kitchen, pulling dishes from the cupboards to put around the table.

"Why are we having dinner with the Nijimuras again?" Josuke asked, putting the plates down.

"I thought it would be nice, the kids are with your mom tonight and Okuyasu got a babysitter for his three so I thought dinner would be nice," Yumiko replied, "he's also your best friend?"

"That's true, I don't have a problem with dinner, it's just preparing it that I hate," Josuke chuckled.

A knock on the door caught them off guard and Josuke ran to open it, greeting Ivy and Okuyasu.


"I love the kids but I'm exhausted all the time," Ivy said with a soft smile and a giggle.

"I bet, twins must be tough," Josuke chuckled.

"Oh yeah, but they're all miracles," Okuyasu added.

"Y'know, I've always wondered how Okuyasu felt when he found out you were pregnant with Aurora," Josuke said, turning towards Ivy and Okuyasu.

"Well, I was really surprised at first, I honestly thought it wasn't a possibility," Okuyasu said with a soft sigh as he smiled, "but I was over the moon! Aurora truly is a miracle you know."

"I feel like that is the overarching feeling parents have for their kids," Josuke said with a smile.

"Well not exactly," Ivy said with an awkward smile, "I'm not sure if the news spread to Japan but when these two were living in Italy I was shot by a family member in the abdomen. The bullet grazed some of my reproductive organs and I was told that infertility was a possibility and that if I was to get pregnant it would be a very risky ordeal. I wasn't actually so busy with work that I forgot to tell Okuyasu, it's not that simple. The whole pregnancy I was in the hospital being monitored and I didn't want to risk Okuyasu's heart being broken by losing a child, so I kept it a secret until I was given the clear. Then I immediately came here to tell him. He knows all of this and so does Yumiko, I just felt a little strange about telling you the first time we met," Ivy explained.

"Oh my god Ivy, I'm so sorry, but that's amazing, you must be insanely proud Okuyasu," Josuke said, "she's a literal super mom!"

"You got that right!" Yumiko exclaimed, "she's something else."

"I'm super proud of her, the strongest girl I know," Okuyasu smiled, kissing Ivy's temple, "especially with twins too."

"So was Aurora a C-section too?" Josuke asked.

"Yup, I never planned on giving birth to her naturally, I felt like the risk was too much. I didn't expect to go into labour here, but I was glad that Okuyasu was there," Ivy replied, "I never really planned on vaginal birth ever, again just the risk scares me."

"Yeah, all the boys were vaginal births for me, I've never had to have a C-section but it's the kind of thing where if I needed to I'd do it without a second thought," Yumiko explained with a smile.

"I've heard that you had a pretty interesting experience giving birth to Johiro, what was that about?" Ivy asked.

"Oh, well I had a home birth because somebody threatened to kidnap Johiro so I didn't feel safe in a hospital. My mom is a midwife so she helped me deliver without pain meds and it was my first baby and now I've had epidurals for the last two boys. Afterwards the guy who was threatening us was caught and a few minutes after giving birth I beat the shit out of him with a baseball bat for trying to kidnap my son," Yumiko explained with a small smirk on her face, obviously prideful of what she had done.

"Yeah Yumiko's always been pretty skilled in battle," Josuke chuckled.

"Ooh! Does anyone have any hidden talents?" Okuyasu asked, looking at his friends.

"Josuke's shit at cooking but damn is he a good baker," Yumiko said with a smile, taking a sip out of a wine glass.

"Yumiko plays bass guitar, she's amazing at it!" Josuke exclaimed.

"You'll have to play a song for us sometime," Ivy said with a soft smile.

"Oh yeah absolutely, anyways what about you guys?" Yumiko asked.

"I think all of Okuyasu's talents aren't hidden," Ivy replied.

"Yeah I am not a silent person," Okuyasu chuckled, "but Ivy is an amazing artist!"

Ivy smiled, "Aw, thank you honey!"

"She taught me all I know about art!" Okuyasu exclaimed.

"That's right, you guys did some drawing together in Italy," Yumiko said.

"Yes we did!" Okuyasu said, chuckling.


"I'm not sure why I was so worried about dinner tonight," Josuke said as he climbed into bed, "I had a great time with Ivy and Okuyasu!"

"I'm glad, it was nice to actually sit down and talk about stuff other than having to wrangle a bunch of kids," Yumiko smiled, "hey, I've been thinking about something lately."
"What's up?"

"Well, we've never brought the kids to the beach before, maybe it might be nice for them to go for the first time? It is summer after all, they'd have a blast. We can bring the others like when we were in highschool, I haven't seen Yukako and Koichi for so long, it'd be fun to go out with Okuyasu and them again! And all the kids can meet too!"

"Hey, I like that idea," Josuke said with a smile, chuckling as King jumped onto the bed, "hey buddy, you've been pretty quiet lately," he added, petting the german shepherd.

"We should bring the dogs too, let them have their moment as well," Yumiko chuckled, laying down on the bed, Josuke following suit and letting his wife hold him in her arms.

Yumiko ran her fingers through her husband's hair and he lay his head on her chest.

"You make the best pillow babe," Josuke said, getting comfortable.

"Thank you, it's all those babies I've had," Yumiko replied.

"And you still look like a bombshell," Josuke smiled, closing his eyes, "I love you Yumiko Kakyoin-Higashikata."

"I love you too Josuke Higashikata," Yumiko replied, kissing her husband's forehead as she closed her eyes, ready to drift off to sleep.

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