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"Okaaay, this is a bad one," Yumiko hissed, leaning against the kitchen counter, cradling her stomach while Josuke rubbed her back.

"We're still 8 minutes apart," Josuke mumbled, "once we get to 7 then we'll go to the hospital."

"Can't we just go now? I'm close enough," Yumiko groaned.

"No honey, I know, I want this to be over as soon as possible for you but if we go to the hospital now they'll just tell us to go home and come back later," Josuke sighed.

"Well they'll just have to deal with me," Yumiko said with a sigh of relief as her contraction passed.

Josuke chuckled, "I know they would honey," He replied, starting a timer.

A few minutes later, another contraction came through.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Yumiko hissed.

"Alright, that's seven minutes, let's go," Josuke said, grabbing the hospital bag off the kitchen floor, and helping Yumiko out the front door.

They got in the car, driving to the hospital as fast as possible.

Eventually the two were brought to the maternity ward.

"This hurts Josuke," Yumiko whimpered, holding onto an exercise ball.

"I know, but you're doing so amazing," Josuke said softly, rubbing Yumiko's back.

"Alright, let's check your dilation," a nurse said, walking into the room, helping Yumiko up onto the hospital bed.

"Alright, well good news, you're at 10 cm! We can start getting ready to push," the nurse announced, "so how do you want to do this? On your side, back, with the bar?"

"The bar," Yumiko groaned.

"Alright, we'll get that set up for you."


"Push!" The nurse cheered, "you can do it! Push!"

Yumiko gripped the bar tightly, tears rolling down her face.

"The head's coming out! Josuke! Get over here!" The nurse exclaimed, moving to the side, allowing Josuke to sit beside her, "alright Yumiko, we're almost there! During the next contraction I need you to push really hard and then we'll be done!"

The next contraction pushed through, Yumiko sending all the force in her body to push.

"Keep pushing! Keep pushing! Alright Josuke get ready!" The nurse said, moving more to the, giving Josuke the space he needed to finally catch the baby.

"Oh my god... Yumiko... it's a girl," Josuke gasped, his eyes watering as he looked at the newborn in his arms, "and she has black hair!"

"That's…that's a first," Yumiko said, panting with a tearful smile, carefully laying on her back as Josuke laid their daughter on her chest, "Josuke she's beautiful…our beautiful Ayaka…"

"Want to cut the cord Josuke?" The nurse asked, placing clamps on Ayaka's umbilical cord.

"Absolutely," Josuke sobbed, wiping his eyes with his forearm, taking the scissors from the nurse and cutting between the clamps, Ayaka gasping, filling her lungs with air before wailing for the first time.

The nurses took Ayaka to clean her off while Yumiko delivered the placenta, and once everything was over, Yumiko was moved to recovery.

"Josuke, I love her so much," Yumiko whispered, holding their daughter on her chest.

"She's so beautiful," Josuke whispered back, resting his head on Yumiko's shoulder.

"Do you want to hold her?" Yumiko asked, "I've had her for about half an hour, I think it should be your turn for some skin to skin contact."

Tea Errors (Josuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now