Honeymooners (part 3)

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TW: description of shark attack and childhood trauma related to shark attack, shark related PTSD, discussion of shark related scars, panic attack (?)

"Hi my boys!" Yumiko exclaimed, smiling at her phone on video call with her sons.

"Hi mommy!" Johiro and Yuhi shouted, Hisaki babbling alongside them.

"Have you guys been good for Auntie Marci?" Yumiko asked.

"Oh yes!" Marciana replied in a high-pitched baby voice as she moved Hisaki's arms around, "but I made a biiiig mess yesterday that Auntie Marci had to clean up because she was teaching us how to use finger paints!"

"Ooh finger painting? What did you boys make?" Yumiko replied with a smile as her two oldest son's giggled.

"It's a surprise mommy, you can't see until you come back!" Yuhi squealed.

"Oh I see," Yumiko said, smiling at her sons.

"Where's daddy?" Johiro asked his mother as he looked at her quizzically.

"Daddy's on the mainland doing some shopping," Yumiko explained as she got up from her bed, "someday we're all gonna go here with the rest of Daddy's family for a big vacation and you can play on the beach and swing in the hammock. It'll be so fun!"

Yumiko heard the door open and shut downstairs and descended the stairs to greet her husband, "alright boys, say hi to daddy but we gotta go, we have plans today," Yumiko said as she blew a kiss through the phone to her sons before taking the grocery bags from Josuke and handing him the phone.

"Hi daddy!"

"Hi boys! I miss you!" Josuke exclaimed.

"We miss you too! When are you coming back?" Johiro asked.

"Two sleeps! We leave tomorrow night and we'll be home in the early afternoon," Josuke answered, "I'm so excited to see you!"

"Me too! We have a super special surprise for when you come home!"

"Oh you do? Well then we should hang up so the time goes fast!"


"I love you! Mommy loves you too!" Josuke said to the phone.

"We love you and mommy mooooore!" Johiro and Yuhi exclaimed in sing-song voices.

Josuke chuckled as the boys hung up, and he turned off Yumiko's phone and placed it on the counter, helping her put away the small amount of groceries he bought before quickly grabbing the bag from the counter.

"What are you hiding?" Yumiko asked as she reached around his back to grab the bag which he quickly held over his head.

"Just a surprise," he said with a mischievous grin, "let's go swimming before lunch, one last time before we have to hang up our suits to dry."

"Alright," Yumiko agreed, reluctantly.
The two went upstairs and changed into their swimsuits, racing each other to the beach.

Once outside Yumiko ran to the water first, originally just wading in the shallow waters before moving to a deeper area.

The water felt calm and serene, pleasantly cool as opposed to the heat of the island sun and the sand that absorbed that heat, burning the bottoms of their feet.

She looked at the shore to find out why Josuke hadn't joined her in the water yet, and to her surprise he was nowhere to be found. She looked around her, desperately trying to find her husband but it was no use.

She was terrified of all the possibilities, what could have happened to him?

She couldn't see him in the water, and he wasn't on the beach, could he be in the house?

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