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"I don't wanna go," Johiro pouted, hiding behind Yumiko's legs.

"Honey, it's your first day of school," Yumiko began, turning around and crouching in front of her son, "there's so many kids to play with! Remember when we came here to meet your teacher?"

Johiro nodded sheepishly.

"Remember how many crayons and paints and papers they have at kindergarten?"

Johiro nodded.

"You love colouring Jojo, here's what I want you to do, you're going to go to school and I want you to draw 1 picture, the best picture you've ever drawn! And then I want you to make 2 new friends, and you can have 3 Nilla wafers when you get home, deal?"

Johiro thought for a moment and then nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay I'll go!" Johiro exclaimed.

"That's my boy! Have a good day, I'll be here to pick you up after school!"

"Bye mommy I love you!" Johiro shouted excitedly before running into the school.

"He's going to be ok, right?" Yumiko asked herself. She shrugged before getting in her car and driving home to take Hisaki to Tomoko's house for the day before going to work.


It was the end of the school day, Yumiko was waiting outside the school still dressed in her blouse, skirt, and heels straight from work, excited to see her son after his first day of school.

She expected him to run outside for a big hug and tell her all about how much fun he had and how many friends he made, and to show her all the drawings he did too.

But he came out dragging his feet, he had many papers in his hand but he didn't look happy at all.

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" Yumiko asked, picking up her son.

"I drew pictures of daddy at school today and that boy over thewe made fun of them, then I twied to tell him it was my daddy and he laughed at how I talk," Johiro pouted, pointing over at a little boy and his dad before burying his face in Yumiko's shoulder, sobbing.

Yumiko glared at the boy and his dad before beginning to walk over to them.

"Hi sir, how are you today?" She asked politely, but she was a complete raging fire of protectiveness inside.

"Quite well myself, you?" He replied.

"I'm doing just fine, however your son seems to have caused my son some distress," Yumiko began, "you see my boy drew some pictures of my husband who he admires greatly, and your son apparently made fun of them, and when my son tried to explain what his drawing was about, your son made fun of how he talks."

The man chuckled, "and you're going to believe a five year old?"

Yumiko's face grew red and hot.

"I know when my son lies and this is not one of them," she growled.

"Don't get too mad, you might burn off your hair!" The man guffawed.

The sharp smack across his face erupted in a stinging red welt, the sound ringing through the playground.

Yumiko grabbed the collar of the man's shirt and pulled him inches away from her face.

"Nobody, and I mean nobody, talks to me in that tone. I am f*cking Yumiko Higashikata, and I am feared by every man in this goddamn town," she whispered before letting go of the man's collar, "we'll be back tomorrow," she announced, "I'll be back with my husband too."

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