Okuyasu and bedtime

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The night was dark, and the floorboards creaky in the Nijimura home.

Okuyasu and Ivy lay spooning in their bed, a baby monitor on Okuyasu's night stand.

The moon sparkled through windows that were once dull and broken, but now clean and bright portals into the world.

The sharp crackle of the baby monitor woke Okuyasu, Ivy still fast asleep.
He crawled out of bed, exhausted, and opened the door into the twins' nursery, trying to determine which one was causing a fuss.

Their friends had surprised them with another crib for Dante before they came home from the hospital with him. He was quite small and needed to stay longer than Isidora did, but he was finally home, medical devices still stuck on him, but they couldn't be removed yet.

Okuyasu quickly determined that Isidora was sound asleep, and Dante was the one fussing.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Okuyasu asked, carefully picking him up from the crib and sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the room, quickly figuring out that he didn't need his diaper changed, to be fed, or to be burped.

He simply wanted attention.

Okuyasu sighed softly, cradling his son in his arms, gently tracing the tube stickered to his face, peeking at the monitors stuck to Dante's chest under his onesie.

"I'm so lucky to have you," Okuyasu whispered, "You've defeated the odds, my special boy."

Okuyasu looked over the newborn in his arms, the baby's peachy skin, his soft swirly brown hair, his tiny button nose, and his toes that felt like little peas lined up in a perfect row, his fingers that grasped Okuyasu's shirt, his tiny little lips.

He was perfect to Okuyasu, no matter what.

Soon Dante finally fell asleep, Okuyasu placing him back in his crib and leaving the nursery, a floorboard creaking on the way out, snapping Isidora awake, thankfully Dante stayed asleep.

"Ok Izzy, my fussy girl," Okuyasu shushed, picking up his daughter and cradling her in his arms, rocking and bouncing her, "what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Isadora's cries turned into soft whimpers as she calmed down, being rocked gently in her father's arms.

"There we go, that's my girl," Okuyasu whispered as Isadora's eyes fluttered shut, soft snores following suit.

She was placed back in her crib, Okuyasu creeping out of the nursery and avoiding the creaky floorboard.

He was exhausted, but took time to peek into Aurora's room, smiling softly when he saw that she was sitting up in bed, looking at him.

"Hi daddy," she whispered.

"Hey Rory, what are you doing up?" Okuyasu asked, walking into her room.

"I was scared," she whispered again.

"What are you scared of?"

Aurora looked at her closet, the door open just a crack but it looked dark inside.

"The monster," she said.

"What monster?"

"The one in my closet."

Okuyasu walked to the closet and shut the door, grabbing a scarf from Aurora's toy bin and tying it around the doorknobs, securing them in place.

"There, no monster can get out now," Okuyasu said, reassuringly as he sat down on Aurora's bed.

"Thank you daddy, can we play tomorrow?" Aurora asked, snuggling into her bed.

"Maybe, but I have to help mommy with the babies too," Okuyasu replied, tucking in Aurora.

"But you're always busy with the babies, you don't have time for Rory anymore," Aurora pouted.

"I will always have time for my Rory," Okuyasu said, "My Rory is my very special baby, Rory is my first baby so I love her very much and I always want to play games with her," he said, tickling Aurora who squealed and giggled.

"Can you make more time for me daddy?" Aurora asked.

"Well, I can try, but two babies are a big responsibility, but it doesn't mean I can't try," Okuyasu said, pressing a soft kiss to his daughter's temple, "I love you Rory, sleep tight, don't let the veggies bite," he chuckled.

"I love you too daddy," Aurora whispered, pulling the covers over her shoulders.

Okuyasu shut the door and went back to his bedroom where Ivy was still fast asleep.

"Goodnight my love, I'll see you in the morning," he whispered, spooning his wife as he kissed her temple, letting his eyes fall shut.

Sorry for the short chapters lately but I've been exhausted and often too busy to find time to write so much of this is rushed -Synonym

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