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"So tell me," Yumiko began, "what's France like? My sister in law never told me what it was like."

"It's quite lovely actually, lots of gorgeous art, music, and cultures," Vivienne explained, "Grace is obsessed with the plants however."

"I've seen the plants, they are quite wonderful," Yumiko replied

"She does like the art too, after I told her that I met Rohan once, she became fascinated by his work, then she figured out by herself that she looked very similar to him, so now we're here," Vivienne sighed, sipping her coffee.

"Well maybe this'll be a good time to reconnect with Rohan," Yumiko suggested.

"Yumiko, I'm sure you know if our situation, I have no interest in reconnecting with this man, I just want my daughter to have a relationship with her dad, then we're going back home."

"That feels unfair to both your daughter and Rohan, to bring her here and have them build a relationship and then take her away again."

"It seems fine to me," Vivienne mumbled.

Yumiko sighed, picking up empty dishes and bringing them to the kitchen as the front door slammed open.

"Josuke! I want to propose!" Okuyasu exclaimed, running through the door.

"I'm sorry Okuyasu, that spot was filled by me a few years ago," Yumiko teased, showing off her diamond and pearl ring.

"No no, as much as I love my bro I mean I want to propose to Ivy!" Okuyasu shouted happily.

Yumiko dropped a plate into the sink and spun around towards Okuyasu.

"You're kidding?"


"Oh my god Okuyasu!" Yumiko squealed, hugging her friend tightly, "congratulations!!!"

"Thank you! I just don't have a ring, or a plan... that's why I came here," Okuyasu chuckled.

"Josuke's in the backyard, I'm just having a conversation with Rohan's ex," Yumiko explained.

"Oh, how's that going?" Okuyasu whispered.

"It's insufferable," Yumiko whispered back.

"Oh man, good luck" Okuyasu whispered once more before leaving the house to go to the backyard.

"Oh hey Okuyasu!" Josuke exclaimed, looking up from pushing Yuhi around on a plastic rocking horse while Johiro ran around with his own hobby horse depicting a donkey.

"Hey man, I needed to ask you something," Okuyasu chuckled, his hands in his spring jacket pockets.

"Oh yeah, one sec," Josuke explained, standing up straight and stretching before he ruffled Yuhi's hair, telling him not to shake up the rocking horse too bad, before walking over to the deck and sitting on the steps with Okuyasu, "what's up?"

"How did you propose to Yumiko?" Okuyasu asked.

"Oof," Josuke chuckled nervously, "well she didn't say yes the first time... I proposed to her after Johiro was born and she laughed at me, thought I was crazy," Josuke sighed, "but eventually I got through, she only said no the first time because she was on some meds and didn't want to make a rushed decision, the second time Johiro was almost two months old and I had my mom watch him while we went out to dinner. I bought a ton of flowers and put a note in the menu that said marry me, and I proposed, and she said yes that time," Josuke chuckled, "now we've been married for 4 years and we have three kids and I couldn't be happier."

Okuyasu took a deep breath and looked at his best friend, "I want to propose to Ivy, and I need help to do it."

"Well what does Ivy like?" Josuke asked.

Tea Errors (Josuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now