3. The Start Of Something New

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After visiting her sons graves, Genevieve let Tom take her to their new home.
The place they arrived at wasn't as big or grand as their old place, but compared to Nurmengard it was heaven.
"There's someone I want you to meet" informed Tom, as they stepped inside.
"Don't tell me you've used the Imperius Curse on more innocent Muggles" replied Genevieve.
"No, I haven't. The only servant we have is Wormtail" admitted Tom.
"Wormtail. You know, Peter Pettigrew. My spy in the Order of the Phoenix"
"Oh yeah, I remember him. I take it he's not the suprise"

"Nagini, come" hissed Tom in Parseltongue.
"Who's Nagini?" Questioned Genevieve suspiciously.
"Oh, I forgot you can speak Parseltongue" replied Tom.
"Well, you did spend several years teaching me. But I never became that good at speaking it myself. However, I am good at understanding the language when someone else speaks it, because everyone in our family is a Parselmouth"
"Yes, they are. Well, Nagini is the newest addition to our family".

A few moments later a giant snake slithered into the room.
This snake was nowhere near as large as the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. But it was still much larger than your average snake.
"This is Nagini. My newest Horcrux" announced Tom, as he pointed to the snake.
"You've made another Horcrux" frowned Genevieve.
"Yes. I found Nagini in Albania, and her venom helped keep me alive when I regained a physical form. I also turned her into a Horcrux, with Wormtail's help" revealed Tom, as he stroked the snake's head tenderly, before sending her back the way she came.
"I can't believe you made a Horcrux without me. Especially in your current state. That was incredibly risky. And you know that using living things as Horcruxes is dangerous" scolded Genevieve.

"I know. But I have always wanted to split my soul 7 times, and Nagini completes my goal. Besides, I'm glad I did make another Horcrux, for when I returned to full strength, I found out that I needed another Horcrux, to make up for the one I lost" informed Tom.
"What do you mean?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"My diary Horcrux was destroyed a few years ago" answered Tom.
"How? I thought that Horcruxes were virtually indestructible. I also thought that the diary was the Horcrux that the Malfoy's were looking after for you".

"It was being looked after by the Malfoy's. But Lucius wanted to get back at the Weasley family, whom he did not get along with. And he wanted to open the Chamber of Secrets, which is what I told him the diary would do, when I gave it to him all those years ago. He didn't know he was holding a piece of my soul, otherwise he wouldn't have given it away. Anyway, the Potter boy managed to destroy the Horcrux inside the diary, using the venom from a Basilisk fang, which is one of the only substances capable of destroying a Horcrux" explained Tom.

"The Potter boy? You mean Harry?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Yes. That boy has been a thorn in my side ever since I first met him. Not only did he destroy my body in Godric's Hollow. But he also stopped me from getting my hands on the Philosopher's Stone a few years ago, which would have allowed me to come back much sooner. He also killed the Basilisk in the chamber, and used its fang to destroy my Horcrux. And then a few months ago, he escaped from my grasp once again, despite all the hard work I had put in, getting him to the graveyard at that exact moment" said Voldemort angrily.
"Are you going to explain how he managed to defeat you, when he was an infant?" Asked Genevieve.
"It wasn't him who stopped me, it was his mother. She sacrificed herself for him, creating a love barrier. Stopping me from touching him. Which is also how he managed to stop me from getting the stone. But things are different now, because I used his blood to resurrect myself, so I have overcome the love magic issue" revealed Tom.

"He is one lucky boy. Not many people could escape from you so many times" commented Genevieve.
"Yes. But he only lives because of my failings, not his successes. However, next time I face him, I will be ready. Because I don't plan on seeing him again, until I have heard the entire prophecy that was made about the two of us. The fact that I only heard half of it, contributed to my downfall, I'm sure of it" admitted Tom.
"How exactly are you going to hear a prophecy that was made 15 years ago?" Questioned Genevieve.
"A recording of all prophecies, are kept in the Department of Mysteries"
"But getting into the Ministry of Magic, is no easy task".

"No. I tasked Lucius with getting the prophecy for me, to make up for him getting my Horcrux destroyed. Lucius tried to get the prophecy himself, but failed. He then placed Sturgis Podmore under the Imperius Curse, but he was caught before he could reach the Department of Mysteries. Lucius then did the same to Boderick Bode, but as soon as Bode touched the prophecy ball, he went insane, and is now on the long stay ward in St Mungo's. Every time I try to get my hands on the prophecy, I fail" revealed Tom.
Genevieve took hold of Tom's hand and squeezed it tight, "I'm here now. And you always have your best ideas when I'm around. We will work this out, together".
Tom smiled, "I'm so glad to have you back in my life".

"It was lonely in Nurmengard. And now that I've got you with me again, I don't plan on ever letting you go" informed Genevieve.
"I never wanted you to get hurt because of me. So I'm sorry that you had to spend all that time alone in jail" apologised Tom.
"It's not your fault. I wouldn't change anything about our time together, even knowing where I would end up" replied Genevieve.
"I promise you, that I will make it up to you. And I will make those fools that betrayed you, pay for what they did. Igor Karkaroff is going to wish that he was dead, when I am finished with him".

"You know about him?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes. Wormtail has been living as a rat for the past 14 years, so he has been listening to everything going on in the wizarding world. Him and Barty Crouch junior, informed me of everything that happened after my downfall. So, I know exactly who betrayed me, who forsaked me, and who stayed loyal. I know that Igor Karkaroff is the one who told the Ministry about you, and is the reason you ended up in prison. He ran away like a coward when I summoned all my death eaters, a few months ago. But when I find him, I will make him pay for what he did" promised Tom.

"I always thought I could trust all of the death eaters, but I was wrong. Most of them chose to save their own skin, rather than stay loyal to me and you" sighed Genevieve.
"I made those that denied being a death eater, regret their actions, when I summoned them. Unfortunately I can't kill them all, because then I would have no servants left" admitted Tom.
"But how can you ever trust them again?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I trust no one but you. And when you are ready, I will have you meet all the death eaters, to make them feel guilty for betraying you. We will torture them together. But I just can't afford to kill them for their disloyalty, as I need the numbers for my army".

"So, what exactly is the plan now?" Asked Genevieve.
"Other than getting my hands on the prophecy, I am planning to rebuild my army again in secret. Despite the Potter boy telling the world that I am back, the Minister chose to keep that information to himself. Everyone has been mocking Potter and Dumbledore for months, because those two keep insisting that I'm back, even though no one believes them. It really is rather amusing to watch the Ministry continuously deny my return. Dumbledore and the Ministry are farther apart than ever, which makes things much easier for us. I will rise to power, as I always promised you I would. And one day soon, we will rule this world together!" announced Tom.

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