33. Taking Over

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On the 1st of August, there were finally enough people under the Imperius Curse around Scrimgeour, for Tom to make his move.
He planned on acting in the evening, after most people had gone home. For he wanted his coup to go under the radar, to minimise the amount of resistance he would face.
"I guess this is it" sighed Genevieve.
Her and Tom were preparing to use the Floo network to get inside the Ministry.
The death eaters had sent word that they had successfully captured the Minister for Magic. So, it was time for Genevieve and Tom to head there and take over the Ministry.

"Yes. After so many years, I have finally taken over the Ministry" announced Tom proudly.
"It almost doesn't seem real. We have been plotting to overthrow the Ministry since we were at school. And I can't believe that we have actually done it" admitted Genevieve.
"I know, we have achieved so much, and I am very proud of us. I'm sure it will seem real once you get your own office, and are able to enter the Ministry without being arrested".

"Will I really have my own office?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Of course you will. I don't expect my wife to have to share an office with anyone else. And I don't see why the Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation shouldn't have their own office" answered Tom.
"Head of the what?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"The Department of International Co-operation. I thought that would suit your talents best, as you spent your childhood hopping from one country to another. It will be your job to make sure that the other magical communities across the globe, don't go to war against us. You must keep all the other nations sweet, and on our side"
"That's a big responsibility".

"I'm sure you will do me proud. Oh, and by the way, I have decided to place a curse around my name. Anyone who says it out loud will automatically give up their location to the death eaters, regardless of any protective magical barriers they may have placed around themselves. It's only the fools in the Order who are stupid enough to say Lord Voldemort, for the death eaters call my dark lord, and everyone else is too scared to say my name. So, hopefully this will make it easier for us to round up those in the Order" revealed Tom.
"That's a good idea. But what if I say your name by accident?" Questioned Genevieve.
Tom smiled and took hold of Genevieve's hand, "As long as you are wearing this ring, you will be able to say whatever you like".
"Good to know" replied Genevieve.
"Now, let's get going. We have a Ministry to overthrow".

Genevieve and Tom headed to the Ministry, and were instantly met by death eaters who escorted them to the Minister's office.
On the way they walked past half a dozen Ministry employees, who were all under the Imperius Curse, including Pius Thicknesse, who would be the next Minister for Magic, once they had disposed of Scrimgeour.
"My lord, the git won't talk" revealed Amycus Carrow, as Genevieve and Tom entered the room.
Rufus Scrimgeour lay on the floor, looking out of breath from writhing around on the floor in pain.
"That's a shame. Let's see if I can't convince him to tell us where Potter is" smiled Tom.

"I won't tell you anything" spat Scrimgeour.
"Oh really? I think you'll find that given a little persuasion, you will change your mind" replied Tom.
"I was Head of the auror department, before I became Minister for Magic. I can withstand the Cruciatus Curse. I am stronger than you think!" announced Scrimgeour bravely.
"Everyone says that, until they get to the point where they can't take any more pain. Besides, why would you want to protect Potter anyway? From what I hear, the boy has thwarted you at every turn, and refused to help the Ministry on numerous occasions. So, why go through all this pain, for Harry Potter, who wouldn't do the same for you?".

"If what they say about that boy is true, and that he is the only one who can defeat you, then I am going to do everything in my power to help him. You can torture me all you like, but I will not help you find Harry" Scrimgeour said defiantly.
"We'll see... Crucio!" Screamed Tom.
There was nothing Genevieve could do but stand and watch as Scrimgeour thrashed around on the floor, in serious amounts of pain.
He didn't cry like Ollivander did when he was being tortured, but Genevieve could tell that he was in more pain than he had ever been in before.
"Tell me where Potter is!" Demanded Tom.
"No!" Scrimgeour screamed back.

After being tortured for nearly an hour, Scrimgeour still refused to tell them anything.
And Genevieve felt that they had pushed the man too far.
Scrimgeour lay on the floor, barely moving, and Genevieve feared that Tom had broken his mind, just like Bellatrix had done to the Longbottom's.
Suddenly the door burst open, making Genevieve jump and withdraw her wand.
"My lord, my lady, we have found the paperwork we were looking for, with all the homes of those in the Order" revealed Yaxley, as he entered the room.
"Well done Yaxley, I can see that my faith in you was not misplaced" replied Tom.
"But my lord, we still don't know which of the Order's safe houses Potter is at" reminded Yaxley.

"That doesn't matter. With the Ministry behind us now, we can break through the enchantments around all of these homes, until we find Potter. I will send my death eaters into every single home on that list. Take the aurors with you, as well as everyone you have under the Imperius Curse. And hurry, we cannot let Potter get away, when we are so close to capturing him" instructed Tom.
"Yes, my lord" bowed Yaxley, before exiting the room, and taking the death eaters out of the office with him.
Tom then looked back down at Scrimgeour and sighed, "I guess he really is no use to us any more".
"I can't believe he went through all that pain to protect someone he doesn't even like" admitted Genevieve.

"Sometimes you forget how stupid these people can be" said Tom, as he poked Scrimgeour with his foot.
"What he did wasn't exactly very smart" replied Genevieve.
"No. He chose death, and I being a merciful lord, will give him what he wants. Unless you want to do the honours?" Offered Tom.
Genevieve shook her head, for she had no intentions of killing another man if she could avoid it.
"Very well then. I shall end this man's suffering... Avada Kedavra!".
Green light burst from Tom's wand, killing Scrimgeour stone dead.

Tom then placed his arm around Genevieve's shoulders and led her out of the room.
"We have done it! The Ministry has fallen. The Minister for Magic is dead, and I am in control now" grinned Tom, before kissing Genevieve's cheek.
"Come on, lets go home and wait for my death eaters to bring Potter to us. And then, I shall kill him too" continued Tom.
"I can't wait" lied Genevieve.

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