34. Escape Artist

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With Scrimgeour dead, Genevieve and Tom headed home to wait for news about Harry Potter.
Since all of the Ministry and the death eaters were out looking for the boy, they felt sure he would not be able to escape.
So, when Thorfinn Rowle summoned them to the Malfoy Manor that evening, the last thing they expected was bad news.
"Are you telling me, that you summoned my wife and I here, to tell us that Potter escaped again?" Questioned Tom angrily.
"I'm sorry my lord" whimpered Rowle, who was kneeling on the floor in front of Tom.
Genevieve was stood on Tom's right, and to her disappointment young Draco Malfoy was also in the room, as Tom had begun treating him like his protege, since his own sons were dead.

"Tell me exactly what happened" demanded Tom.
"I- I don't know. I think the boy wiped my mind. For neither me nor Dolohov can remember anything. I remember going to this Muggle cafe because someone said your name, setting off the Taboo, and alerting us to their presence. But I don't remember what happened after that" admitted Rowle.
"You useless piece of filth. Draco, hurt him again!" Ordered Tom.
Rather timidly, Draco pointed his wand at Rowle again, and used the Cruciatus Curse.
Genevieve was not a fan of Tom using Draco, but her plees had fallen on deaf ears, and Tom was in no mood to be reasoned with.
So, all she could do was watch as Draco caused Rowle to writh around the floor in pain.

"So, let me get this straight. After attacking this wedding at the Weasley's home, where we believe Potter was hiding. We not only lose Potter in the chaos, but we lose him again less than an hour later. How does this boy manage to escape from all of my death eaters so easily?" Questioned Tom, when Draco removed the curse off Rowle.
"I don't know my lord. But he has help from those in the Order, he is not alone" reminded Rowle.
"The Order won't be able to help him any more, not now that we've taken the Ministry. Besides, he didn't have any help in that cafe, yet he was still able to evade you" spat Tom.

"I am sorry my lord" apologised Rowle.
"Enough! Stop snivelling, or I shall feed you to Nagini!" Warned Tom.
"But my lord, I must ask for your forgiveness" replied Rowle.
"Lord Voldemort isn't so sure that he wants to forgive your incompetence this time. Draco, give Rowle another taste of our displeasure... Do it, or feel my wrath yourself" spat Tom, when Draco hesitated for a fraction too long.
Genevieve hated seeing the terrified look on the boys face, but she felt powerless to help him.

"Vee, you can't kill him. We need all of your death eaters alive, remember" Genevieve said calmly, as she took a step closer to Tom, once Rowle's screams had stopped.
"Now that the Ministry is under my control, I do not think I need to rely on filth like him anymore" admitted Tom, as he glared down at Rowle.
"Even though the Ministry is finally under our control, we still need all of the death eaters, to help maintain order. We need them to track down those who would defy us. And we cannot hold onto power without our loyal servants" reminded Genevieve.
Tom sighed, "You are lucky my wife is so forgiving, Rowle. If it were up to me, I would have Draco kill you right now".

"Thank you, my lady" panted Rowle, as he tried to get his breath back.
"My gift to you is your life, but if you disappoint me again, I will kill you myself" warned Tom.
"I swear, I won't let you down again" reassured Rowle.
"You had better not. Now, get out of my sight" ordered Tom.
Rowle scampered out of the door, and as he did, Yaxley stepped into the room.
"My lord, my lady, I'm afraid I have some bad news" informed Yaxley.
Genevieve shook her head slightly, warning Yaxley that now was not a good time to be giving Tom any more bad news.
But it was too late for Yaxley to withdraw his statement, for Tom had heard him.

"What else has gone wrong now?" Groaned Tom, as Genevieve guided him towards the green armchair, and made him sit down.
"We have broken into every home of the Order of the Phoenix, but we have found no trace of Harry Potter" answered Yaxley.
"That boy is becomming more a nuisance by the day" growled Tom.
"Draco, you may go now" informed Genevieve, who didn't want Draco to get hurt when Tom lost his temper again and lashed out.
The boy nodded, and fled the room as fast as possible.

"How is it possible that he was able to disappear like that? Harry can't just vanish into thin air. He has to be somewhere. So, where in Merlin's name is here?" Asked Genevieve.
"We don't know. We tortured the Tonks family, because we found out that Harry went there, the night he left his aunt and uncle's house. But we were unable to find out where he went after he left their house. For they wouldn't tell us anything" revealed Yaxley.

"And he wasn't with the Weasleys?" Questioned Genevieve.
"No. We interviewed everyone at the wedding, but no one saw him. His friend Ronald Weasley was at Burrow, but he is seriously ill with Spattergroit. And we believe their other friend, Hermione Granger, has left the country with her parents, for she is a Mudblood. So, wherever Harry Potter is, he is alone. Which means we should be able to find him soon" insisted Yaxley.
"You were too soft with my enemies. You should have killed everyone of those traitors, to find out where that boy went" snapped Tom.
"You can't just go around killing half of the wizarding population. Especially pure-bloods, for there aren't that many of us left" reminded Genevieve.

"I can kill whoever I want!" Announced Tom, as he leapt out of his seat.
"My lord, we were not soft, I promise you. We were very thorough. We broke into every single home even remotely connected to someone in the Order, and we questioned everybody we came into contact with. We tortured the Tonks's and even burned Dedalus Diggle's home to the ground. But, despite all this, we still know nothing about where Harry Potter is" admitted Yaxley.
"AAARRRR! I want him dead!" Shouted Tom.

Genevieve placed her hand on Tom's arm, in an attempt to calm him down.
"And we will kill him. He can't stay hidden forever. When he comes out of hiding, you will kill him" reassured Genevieve.
"While he is alive, there will always be a threat to my control. We will never be truely safe until he is dead" replied Tom.
"He is just a boy. He cannot kill you or me, so there is no use getting all worked up over him. You cannot kill him until we find him. But there is no point endlessly worrying, until we have him in our clutches. So, you need to calm down" insisted Genevieve.

Tom sighed, and cupped his hand around Genevieve's face.
"You always know just how to make me feel better" he murmered.
"Well, I have been doing it for over 60 years" smiled Genevieve.
Tom kissed Genevieve's lips softly, before turning back to face Yaxley.
"There is a chance Potter will head to his Godfathers home, so I want death eaters stationed outside at all time" announced Tom.
"But, my lord, the Fidelius Charm provents us from entering or even seeing the house" reminded Yaxley.
"I am well aware of that. But we know which street it is on. So, I want death eaters patrolling the area every single day, just in case he turns up. I am not taking any more chances"
"Whatever you say, it will be done, my lord".

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