47. Chaperone

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Tom was in a good mood, despite Genevieve's betrayal, because he now had the Elder Wand in his possession.
However, having the wand didn't help them solve their main problem, because they still had no idea where Harry had gone after he fled Godric's Hollow.
Genevieve was house bound for the whole of the Christmas holidays, and she did her best to be obedient, to keep herself in Tom's good books.
She thought she had succeeded in pacifying him, but on her first day back at work, he revealed that she was going to have a death eater follow her, so that she didn't make any detours.
Genevieve fought against this, but in the end, she lost the fight.

Having a young man barely in his twenties, following her around whenever she left the house, was not something Genevieve was a fan off.
While she was at work, he stood outside her office all day, to make sure that she didn't sneak off anywhere. He also made a note of everyone who entered her office throughout the day.
Everyone thought he was there to protect her, and she went along with that lie, because she didn't want her colleagues to know that she had betrayed her husband and was now being followed everywhere, to make sure she didn't do it again.

Genevieve hoped that having Jugson follow her to and from work, would be a short, temporary measure.
But as the days turned into weeks, she began to worry that she would never get rid of him.
"Good morning, Madam Slytherin" greeted Yaxley, when Genevieve arrived at the Ministry one Monday morning, with Jugson at her side, as usual.
"Hello Yaxley. I take it all is well?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes, the Ministry didn't fall apart while you were away over the weekend" answered Yaxley.
"It's good to know that I can leave you alone for a few days, without everything going wrong".

"I see that the dark lord still feels the need to protect you" commented Yaxley.
Jugson was walking a step behind them, so that Yaxley could talk to Genevieve. But he was never more than a few steps away from her at all times.
Genevieve sighed, and looked over her shoulder at the eager young death eater, who was so desperate to prove himself to his dark lord.
"Yes. I've still got this child following me everywhere" mumbled Genevieve under her breath.

"The dark lord must be very worried about your safety, if he has placed Jugson at your side permanently" said Yaxley.
"Trust me, it's not my safety that concerns him" replied Genevieve.
"Then why does he have Jugson tailing you everywhere?" Questioned Yaxley.
"It's complicated... I can trust you not to spread gossip, can't I?"
"Of course you can, my lady"
"Well, I may have kept a secret or two from my husband, and over Christmas he found out. So, I'm being punished for betraying his trust. Which is why I can't go anywhere without Jugson following me".

"Did the dark lord find out that I failed to capture Potter, when the boy broke into the Ministry? Is that why he is punishing you?" Quizzed Yaxley.
"That is not the secret that made him angry. But since he used Legilimency on me, he knows all of my secrets now. Don't worry though, your failure to keep hold of Harry Potter, when he apparated, is not something my husband is concerned about. A lot has happened since then. So, it's unlikely he will punsih you, or even bring it up. You're safe" reassured Genevieve.
"That is good to know" replied Yaxley.
"I'm sure it is. Anyway, I must head to my office now. See you later Yaxley".

Genevieve entered the nearest elevator, and began making her way up to her office.
No one attempted to get in the same lift as her, as they were too afraid to be that near her.
Everyone's fear of Genevieve had gone up, the day she turned up to work with her own bodyguard, whom most people suspected was a death eater.
And Genevieve wasn't sure she enjoyed being avoided, like she had the plague.
Now, most people were too afraid to talk to her, unless they were death eaters, who knew Jugson was a low ranking death eater and really no threat at all.

"I think I might visit Narcissa after work, because I need to talk to a woman, as all this testosterone is becomming too much" announced Genevieve, as the lift began to move.
"The dark lord doesn't want you making any detours" reminded Jugson.
"He doesn't want me going anywhere he doesn't know about. And the minute we get home, we can both tell him that I was at the Malfoy Manor. So, he will know where I was, and who I was with. And since I don't always finish at the same time each day, he won't be worried about me when I get home late. Which means that neither of us will get into trouble" insisted Genevieve.

"I'm afraid I cannot take you to the Malfoy Manor. My orders are to bring you straight home" admitted Jugson.
"Did my husband give you specific orders, that today I needed to be home by a certain time?" Questioned Genevieve.
"No, but-"
"Did he tell you that I was not allowed to go anywhere, besides my office at the Ministry?" Interupted Genevieve.
"No, but-"
"Your instructions were to follow me, wherever I go. You were told to stalk me and see who I talk to. Which is why you stand outside my office all day. You have no authority over me, I can still go where I like, I just have to bring you along".

"The dark lord doesn't want you going anywhere, without his say so, because he does not trust you, which is why I am here to keep an eye on you. I cannot take you to see the Malfoy's, without asking him first, for I know he doesn't like the Malfoy's anymore. So, you cannot leave work unless I tell you it's O.K" informed Jugson.
Genevieve felt the anger rising in her, as she found herself being told what to do, by someone young enough to be her grandchild.

"You forget yourself, boy. I am Genevieve Slytherin. I am the daughter of Gellert Grindelwald, and the wife of Lord Voldemort. You are a simple death eater, and must address me as either my lady, or Madam Slytherin. You do not tell me what to do. You go where I say, not the other way around. I outrank you, and always will. If I have to leave the country on business, you will follow where I lead. When we get home, you will tell my master everything I have been up to, that is your job. It is not up to you, to tell me what to do, or assume you know what my husband wants and thinks. You do not know what went on between me and him, so don't pretend that you understand why you are currently acting as my chaperone... So, I will see my friend Narcissa, and if my husband tells me I can't see her again, once we get home. Then I will do as he says. But unless he bans me from going somewhere, I can still go where I please, as long as you come to. I am not your prisoner" announced Genevieve.

Jugson opened his mouth to speak, but Genevieve was faster, and she had not yet finished ranting.
"Remember boy, you can be replaced in a heartbeat, I can not. If I killed you by accident, my husband probably wouldn't even punish me, instead he would just place another death eater at my side, as if nothing had happened. But if you so much as laid a finger on me, you and your entire family, would be killed. I am not to be messed with, or bossed around. Do, I make myself clear?" Continued Genevieve.
Jugson nodded, before bowing his head respectfully, "Yes, my lady".

"Good. Now, I have work to do. And you have an office door to stand in front of for the next 10 hours" announced Genevieve, as the lift came to a halt, and she stepped out onto her floor, with Jugson at her heels.
"Yes, my lady" he mumbled.
"And after work, I intend on seeing my good friend Narcissa Malfoy, before returning home to my loving husband. Will that be a problem?" Asked Genevieve.
"No, my lady"
"I'm glad to hear it. For I would hate to have to tell my husband that you were overstepping your mark"
"There will be no need for that, my lady".
Genevieve smiled, "Good".

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