26. Helping A Prisoner

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After seeing the state Ollivander was in, Genevieve couldn't just go back to her life as if everything was normal.
She stopped having nightmares about killing Igor Karkaroff, and started picturing Ollivander alone in the Malfoy's cellar instead.
Genevieve decided that the only way to ease her conscience was to help Ollivander.
Since freeing him was not an option, she would have to just make his time at the Malfoy Manor less miserable.
She thought that if she provided him with more food, his suffering would be lesser.

Genevieve knew she couldn't help Ollivander while Bellatrix was around, for her enemy would likely snitch on her to Tom.
So, Genevieve had to wait until Bellatrix had been sent away on a mission, before acting.
Narcissa was in the house, but Genevieve felt sure that she could trust Narcissa not to tell Tom what she had been up to.
After sneaking some food out of the kitchen, Genevieve made her way down to the cellar, removing the enchantments as she went.

"Mr Ollivander" whispered Gen as she pushed open the door of the cellar, using her wand to light up the space.
She saw the old man sitting on the floor, slumped against one of the brick walls.
It hurt her to see him like that, so defeated and so without hope.
She rushed over to his side, and placed a blanket around his shoulders, which she had brought with her.
"Here, I made you some warm soup" revealed Genevieve, as she placed the bowl into Ollivander's hands.

Genevieve detached a bag from her belt and placed it on the floor beside Ollivander.
"And in here I have placed some fruits and vegetables, and other things that can be eaten without needing to be cooked" informed Genevieve.
"You should eat the soup before it gets cold" continued Genevieve.
"How do I know it's not full of poison?" Questioned Ollivander.
"There are far easier ways to kill someone than forcing them to drink poison. Besides killing people is really not my thing. I only kill when I have to, or I am being observed. And I certainly do not have to kill you, for Lord Voldemort wants you alive" answered Genevieve.

Ollivander picked up the spoon and scooped some of the soup into his mouth.
"I'm not the best cook in the world, I admit, but it shouldn't taste too bad" said Genevieve.
"Thank you" mumbled Ollivander, before taking another sip.
"You're welcome, Ollivander... It is strange to address you by your last name. What is your name by the way, your first name?" Asked Genevieve curiously.
"Garrick. My name is Garrick Ollivander"
"It is nice to formally make your acquaintance Garrick".

"Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?" Questioned Ollivander.
"I was a prisoner once as well. I spent 14 years inside a cell. I spoke to no one, and was living off the bare minimum of food. I wasn't tortured like you, but isolation is its own kind of torture. I'm just saying that I know what it's like to be in your shoes. My husband has never been a prisoner, so he doesn't know what it's like. But I do, which is why I want to help you as best as I can" revealed Genevieve.

"If you really wanted to help me, you could break me out of here" said Ollivander.
"You and I both know that I can't do that. Everyone would know I was the one who freed you. I would be punished extensively. It is not death that scares me, for someone like me knows that there are worst things than death. And anyway, even if I did free you, would you really want to spend the rest of your life hiding and on the run? Besides, my husband would just find you again eventually. It's not easy to stay hidden from the great Lord Voldemort... So, I can bring you food and clothes, but I cannot free you. You are too valuable to our cause, which is why I can't let the Order of the Phoenix get their hands on you" admitted Genevieve.

"Well, thank you for bringing me food. You didn't have to" muttered Ollivander.
"No, I didn't. But after I saw what kind of state you were in, I couldn't just leave you like that. Contrary to popular belief, I don't like watching people suffer. The Daily Prophet may paint me as an emotionless killer, like Voldemort, but I'm not. I'm in love with a bad person, I don't deny that. But I am not like him" insisted Genevieve.
"I'm starting to see that... I had really lost hope before you came. I was starting to think I would lose my mind in this cell. I was going to give up and accept my death" admitted Ollivander.

"I know the feeling. But as Dumbledore says, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" recited Genevieve.
"Dumbledore is a very optimistic person" replied Ollivander.
"Yes. And he has a habit of always seeing the best in people, even me. He's a big fan of second chances... Anyway, I must be off, before someone misses me. I will try and come again soon with more food, and maybe even a pillow. But I can't come while Bellatrix is around, because that bitch will only rat me out to Voldemort, to get herself more attention from him. And then I won't be able to help anyone"
"A pillow would be nice"
"Well, I will try my best to sneak one in. Goodbye Garrick, and don't lose hope".

After exiting the cellar, Genevieve saw Narcissa raise her eye at her, from across the room.
"Not one word of this to my husband, or anyone else, if you know what's good for you" threatened Genevieve.
"I won't say a word, my lady" promised Narcissa.
"Good" replied Genevieve.
"I have no objection to you helping the old man. I am only allowed to bring him so much food. But you are above the rules, so you can feed him as much as you like"
"I am above the rules, and you would do well to remember that. But even so, I still don't want anyone to learn that I am aiding Ollivander"
"No one will hear anything from me, you have my word".

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