9. Truth And Lies

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Genevieve was on edge for the rest of the week, as she anxiously awaited the meeting with her daughter.
She tried not to let Tom suspect anything, but it was very hard for her not to look constantly excited.
Even though she knew she was going to be meeting a woman in her late 20's, and not her little girl, she was still looking forward to seeing her daughter again.
When the day finally arrived, she got to the Hog's Head early, so that she would be there before her daughter.
She had transfigured her face slightly, just in case anyone recognised her from her mug shot in the Daily Prophet.
But the pub was rather empty, so Genevieve wasn't too worried about being overheard.
She'd also removed her ring, so that Tom would be unable to apparate to her side.

Eventually a young woman walked into the building, and Genevieve felt like she was looking in a mirror.
Her daughter looked exactly like she had done when she was younger.
The only difference between them, was Mathilde's matching blue eyes, for she did not have Heterchromia like Genevieve.
Since Mathilde didn't know who she was meeting, Aberforth directed her to Genevieve's table.
"Hi there. You must be Elodie. I'm Jenny" said Mathilde, when she reached Genevieve.
"Jenny?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Yes, it's short for Jennifer. Jennifer Maria Figg" replied Mathilde.

Genevieve rolled her eyes at the fake names that Dumbledore had used.
Her own nickname was Gen, so she found it strange that her daughter now had such a similar name to her.
She assumed that Dumbledore had chosen the name, in honour of her.
Making Jenny's middle name Maria, was nice, for it was the first name of Genevieve's real mother.
Genevieve hoped that pretending her name was Elodie, for the meeting with Mathilde, wouldn't be too hard, since it was her middle name afterall.
"It's nice to see you after so many years. I am Ge- Elodie" said Genevieve, stopping to correct herself mid-sentence, to play along with the story Dumbledore had made up.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Dumbledore says that you knew my mother" admitted Mathilde, as she sat down opposite Genevieve.
In case anyone overheard them, Genevieve used the Muflliato spell on all those in the pub, while keeping her wand hidden under the table.
"Yes. I was good friends with your mother" lied Genevieve.
"It's nice to be able to talk to someone who knew my mother, for so few people have any memories of my parents. Even my grandmother doesn't speak of them very often. I expect it's because it is too painful for her to talk about her daughter. So, when Dumbledore said that you were in town, and wanted to meet with me, I jumped at the chance" replied Mathilde.

"Well, I actually knew both of your parents, but I was closest to your mother for we shared a room at school" informed Genevieve.
"Why I have I never met you before, then?" Questioned Mathilde.
"I've been away. England is not my home, for I live abroad" answered Genevieve, as she made sure to let her accent come through her words, instead of masking it like she normally did around Tom.
"Yet, you studied at Hogwarts, with my mother?" Frowned Mathilde.
"Yes, it was my father's idea. I didn't want to go at first. But I am so glad I did, for I met some amazing people at Hogwarts, including your parents"
"It is an amazing place. I had some of the best years of my life there".

"Yes, Hogwarts is incredible... Tell me, what exactly do you already know about your mother? I don't want to tell you things you already know. So what has your grandmother told you about your parents?" Asked Genevieve.
"Not much. Sometimes she even tells me things that contradict stuff she has already said in the past. But I expect that's just her age, for she is getting older" answered Mathilde.
Genevieve's heart sank, as she knew she couldn't rely on someone who was losing their memory.
"Just tell me what you do know" encouraged Genevieve.
"Well, my parents both met at Hogwarts and were in Ravenclaw, like me. They married as soon as they left Hogwarts, and had me not long after. But they were killed by You-Know-Who, during the first wizarding war, which is why my grandmother had to raise me. I don't know much more than that" admitted Mathilde.

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