32. More Than A Myth

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Since Genevieve didn't know where her father was, she had no way of warning him that Tom was after the Elder Wand. So, she just had to hope that Tom never found Gregorovitch, because if he did, the wand maker would reveal that Gellert had stolen the Elder Wand from him many years ago.
Genevieve was terrified that Tom would then figure out that she had known about the Elder Wand all along, which would put her in a lot of danger.
So, she did her best to show a lack of enthusiasm when it came to the wand, hoping it would put Tom off trying to find it.
Genevieve was also putting very little effort into tracing the wand's history, for she knew exactly where it was, so felt that searching for it was pointless.

"I wish you would be a bit more helpful" commented Tom one evening, while the pair were sat surrounded by books in the study.
"Sorry that I find all this rather dull" replied Genevieve, as she threw the book in her hands onto the table.
"It may be boring and trivial, but it is important work we are doing. We need to know where Gregorovitch is, so that I can get my hands on the Elder Wand" reminded Tom.
"Can't you get one of your followers to do all this research for you?"
"And risk them running off and getting the wand before me? No chance. This wand is mine, and I will find it".

"That is if it even exists" mumbled Genevieve.
Tom frowned, and pointed down at all the papers on the table filled with their research.
"All this proves that it is real" insisted Tom.
"We don't even know if these papers are referring to the same wand. This could all be false information leading us around in circles. The Elder Wand sounds more like a myth than a real thing to me" lied Genevieve.
"But you and I are used to searching for myths. We found the Chamber of Secrets remember, and most people thought that was only a legend. We also discovered how to make Horcruxes. Together, we have researched many things, and we have always succeeded in achieving our goals"
"That's true. But I just don't want you to get your hopes up, that's all".

"This wand is more than a myth. And it will make me the most feared being in the world, you'll see" announced Tom.
"You already are the most powerful wizard alive. And maybe the Elder Wand is real, and maybe we do find it. But don't forget that we still don't know why Harry's wand behaved the way it did during that battle the other day. For all we know, it will do the same thing again, even when facing the Elder Wand" replied Genevieve.
"No. This wand is more powerful than any in existence. It will be strong enough to defeat Potter. And I will kill its current master, to make sure that the wand only obeys me. There will be no mistakes this time. I will kill Harry Potter, and then there will be no one left to stand between me and ultimate power".

"Speaking of ultimate power, are you sure you don't want to make yourself the highest ranking wizard in the country and become Minister for Magic, once you've killed Rufus Scrimgeour?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm sure. The terrifying Lord Voldemort does not work a normal 9-5 job, and sit behind a desk all day. Pius Thicknesse can do all that boring office work for me. Besides, placing myself in charge could create an uprising. But, by staying in the shadows, and allowing Thicknesse to legalise everything I want to do, hopefully that will stop the people from unifying against me" answered Tom.
"I kind of like the idea of a having a proper job, after all these years in the shadows working through other people" admitted Genevieve.
"Really? I thought you hated working in The Coffin House"
"I didn't enjoy working in a shop, and getting paid poorly. But being a high ranking Ministry official, could be fun".

"I have no intention of getting a normal job, but if you do, I won't stop you" said Tom.
"I can hardly apply for a job, when I'm married to you" reminded Genevieve.
"I will get Thicknesse to clear your name. Then you will be able to walk down the street like everyone else, for I know that is what you want. And there would be no need to attend any interviews. I will get the Minister to grant you any job you want" informed Tom.
"Really? You wouldn't mind me not being here all the time?"
"As long as you come when I ask, I have no objection to you working at the Ministry. Besides, finding the Elder Wand will not be easy, and will involve a lot of travel. So maybe it would be best if you kept yourself occupied while I was away".

"Don't you want me to come with you?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Of course I do. But you deserve the best, and I don't want you to have to squat in terrible places, while I travel across Bulgaria" answered Tom.
Genevieve knew Bulgaria better than Tom, so she knew that if she stayed behind, it would make it harder for him to find the Elder Wand. But she also wanted to be there when he found Gregorovitch, because she wanted to hear what the man had to say.
And she definitely wanted to be there if Tom found out that Gellert used to have the Elder Wand, because she wanted to be able to protect her father.
"I do want to be there with you, when you find the wand. But I don't want to trek across Europe while you search for it" admitted Genevieve.

"Well, you can't have it both ways" said Tom.
"Maybe I can. I can stay here while you go off, on what I consider a wild goose chase for something that is only a myth. But if you do happen to find the Elder Wand, then you can use this to communicate with me" suggested Genevieve, as she removed her wedding ring and held it aloft.
"That could work. I could enchant the rings to warm up when I instruct them to, for example, when I find the Elder Wand. So, when you feel the ring heat up, you know to apparate directly to my side" replied Tom.
"That sounds like a good idea"
"Well, as I always say, I have some of my best ideas, when you are around".

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