53. Completing A Prophecy

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Genevieve and Tom stood in the Forbidden Forest for the next hour, as their followers joined them.
To Genevieve's disappointment, Bellatrix wasn't one of the ones who had died. So, she turned up looking rather bloody, but otherwise unharmed.
One of the death eaters brought a tied up Hagrid with them, as the groundskeeper had tried to stop them entering the forest.
Seeing Rubeus Hagrid after so many years, did nothing to ease the guilt Genevieve was already feeling for allowing Snape to die a painful death, all alone.
Tom had gotten Hagrid expelled, using him as a scapegoat, which had ruined Hagrid's life.
And as Genevieve stood in the forest, waiting for Harry to turn up and sacrifice himself, she couldn't help but think of all the lives that had been destroyed, because of Tom.

"There is no sign of him, my lord" said Dolohov, once the hour was up.
"I thought he would come. I expected him to come" mumbled Tom.
"Perhaps the boy isn't as brave as we thought. It takes a lot of courage to sacrifice yourself to your enemy" replied Genevieve.
"Yes, I guess I was wrong about him" sighed Tom.
"No, you weren't!".
Everyone gasped as Harry stepped out of the shadows, and made his way towards them.
As he approached them, Genevieve couldn't help but think about how small and innocent he looked.
She didn't want the young boy to die. But she knew if it came down to it, she would choose Tom's survival over Harry's.

"No! Harry! What are you doing here! Run!" Yelled Hagrid.
"Quiet" snapped Rowle, as he flicked his wand, silencing Hagrid.
Harry continued walking towards Tom and Genevieve, making no attempt to remove his wand from his pocket.
Tom stepped away from Genevieve, to face Harry.
"Harry Potter, the boy who lived" said Tom, his voice no more than a whisper
No one in the forest clearing dared to move or even say a word, as Tom stared at Harry.

"Neither can live while the other survives" mumbled Tom, reciting one of the lines from the prophecy that he never heard the end of.
"Then do it. Kill me" replied Harry.
Tom raised his wand, his face full of curiosity, as he wasn't sure exactly what would happen next.
"It is time for you to die, Harry Potter. Avada Kedavra!" Shouted Tom as a green light burst out of his wand, hitting Harry.
A bright light exploded through the clearing, forcing everyone to close their eyes to avoid being blinded.
When Genevieve opened her eyes, she found both Tom and Harry lying on the ground, a few feet from each other. And neither of them were moving.

Genevieve immediately dropped to her knees, and began thinking the worst, assuming that Tom was dead.
She started thinking about ways to track Mathilde down, so that she could destroy her Horcrux with the Basilisk fang in her pocket. For she would not live without Tom, ever again. And she certainly had no intention of going back to jail.
But as she pressed her hand against Tom's chest, she felt his heart beating against her skin.
"Thank Merlin" whispered Genevieve.

"My lord, are you alright?" Asked Bellatrix, as she ran towards them.
"Get lost you bitch, I do not require your assistance" spat Genevieve.
Bellatrix backed away nervously.
Ever since being tortured at the Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix was a little wary of Genevieve.
Tom began to stir, and Genevieve helped him to his feet.
"Are you O.K?" Questioned Genevieve, quietly.
"I'm fine" answered Tom.
"Are you sure? Because you did just pass out" replied Genevieve.
"I said I'm fine".

Tom removed himself from Genevieve's grip, and turned around to look at Harry, who's body lay unmoving on the ground.
"Is he dead? Is Potter dead?" Demanded Tom.
Genevieve looked over at Narcissa, who was stood near her.
"Go and see if Harry is dead" instructed Genevieve.
Narcissa nodded her head and approached Harry, placing her hand on his chest.
She then stood up, and turned back around to face everyone.
"Dead!" Announced Narcissa.

Everyone in the clearing began to cheer, and some even sent up fireworks into the air in celebration of Harry's death.
"Well done. You succeeded in killing Harry Potter. You beat the prophecy, even though you never heard how it ended. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord, is now dead. So, no one will be able to oppose you ever again" praised Genevieve.
"And you were at my side, just as you always said you would be" replied Tom, as he stepped closer to her, and placed his arm around her waist.
"I'm not going anywhere" admitted Genevieve.
"No, you're not".

"Now that Potter is dead, does that mean you forgive me for my past betrayals?" Asked Genevieve, who was hoping that she'd be able to get rid of her chaperone.
Tom looked over his shoulder at Harry's dead body, before looking back at Genevieve.
"Once this fight at Hogwarts is officially over, and you have pleased me in every physical way possible in our bedroom. Then I will forgive you" informed Tom, as he pressed his body against Genevieve's.
She could feel him harden beneath his robes, but instead of dealing with it, Tom sighed and stepped away from her, to face his followers. Because he knew that making love in front of everyone, in the middle of a forest, was not a good idea.

"You have done well, my friends. We have won. And now it is time to return to Hogwarts, to show them what has become of their little hero. Have Hagrid carry the boy's body, for it will be nice and visible in his arms, as we make our way to the castle" announced Tom.
Yaxley picked up Harry's body and placed him into Hagrid's arms, before forcing the half-giant to move forward with the rest of them.
Tom placed his arm through Genevieve's, and the pair walked at the front of the army, out of the forest.

Once they were out of the trees, Tom stopped everyone, before placing his wand to his throat to give once last speech to those at the castle.
"Harry Potter is dead! He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself, while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that he is gone. The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My death eaters outnumber you, and the boy who lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, woman or child, will be slaughtered, as will every member of their family... Come out of the castle, now, kneel before me, and you will be spared. Your parents, your children, your brothers and sisters, will live, and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together".

"I thought you said that if Harry sacrificed himself, you wouldn't kill anymore of his friends" frowned Genevieve, as Tom lowered his wand.
"I said that if he didn't hand himself over, I would kill every single person who stood in my way. I never promised to let the traitors, who continue to defy us, live" replied Tom.
"So, the battle is not yet over" sighed Genevieve, who did not want to commit any more violent acts that day.
"Not yet. But soon there will be peace, and everyone will bow before us, as if we were gods. It is our destiny and our right. So come on, let's head to Hogwarts to kill the non-believers and kick start our new and glorious empire!".

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