39. The Other Wand Maker

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With Mathilde and Hannah safely out of the country, Genevieve could stop worrying about them.
She'd made them wait in the Riddle Manor all day, before giving them some of their belongings and a Portkey, which would take them to southern France.
Genevieve wasn't sure if or when she would ever see them again, but their safety was what mattered most to her. So, she had to be content with the fact that she might never she her daughter again.
Once the girls were gone, Genevieve could focus on doing her job, and making Dolores Umbridge's life as hard as possible.
She did her best to give the Muggle-borns a chance to escape, by not helping Dolores to the best of her ability.
But she couldn't openly help them, without making those at the Ministry, suspicious of her.

On the 2nd of September, Harry Potter broke into the Ministry, and managed to leave with whatever he had gone there for.
Genevieve had been at the Malfoy Manor that morning, feeding Ollivander and hanging out with Narcissa, who was sad that Draco had returned to Hogwarts. So, she had been absent during Harry's little escapade.
Yaxley had side along apparated with Harry as he tried to escape, but the boy had shaken him off when they arrived at Grimmauld Place, before apparating to a new location.
After losing Harry, Yaxley was terrified of what his punishment would be. Which is why he went to Genevieve, instead of Tom.

"I have people searching 12 Grimmauld Place and interrogating the house-elf, hopefully they will find out where Potter went" said Yaxley.
"I doubt it. The elf won't be able to tell us anything, because magic binds him to his master, which at the moment, is Harry Potter. And the boy wasn't stupid enough to leave important things lying about that could lead us to him" sighed Genevieve.
"I wasn't sure whether or not I should summon the dark lord. After Potter's last escape, the dark lord warned us not to summon him, unless we had Potter in custody. But I don't want the dark lord to think that I have been hiding things from him" admitted Yaxley.

"Maybe it will be best if we only tell him a version of the truth. We can tell him that Harry infiltrated the Ministry, but left before anyone could stop him. That way, your master never learns that you had a hold of Harry, but let him go, allowing him to escape" suggested Genevieve.
"Thank you, my lady. I know that the dark lord would punish me greatly, if he knew I had failed to bring him Potter" replied Yaxley, who was looking more nervous than Genevieve had ever seen him look before.
"No one but us knows exactly what happened today, so I see no reason to tell my husband all the details. If he kills you, we will have to find you a replacement, which will make my life more difficult"
"I am so grateful"
"Don't mention it".

Suddenly, Genevieve's wedding ring began to heat up, making her jump.
"I think my husband has found what he was after, for he's calling me to him" announced Genevieve.
"Then you must go" replied Yaxley.
"Yes. Lord Voldemort does not like to be kept waiting. We shall discuss this Harry Potter matter further, when I return. But don't worry, I won't tell your master about your failure today, you have my word" promised Genevieve.
"Thank you, my lady" said Yaxley, as he bowed his head.
Genevieve then closed her eyes and thought about Tom, allowing her ring to guide her apparition, so that she could appear at his side.
Normally, apparating such far distances was unwise, and dangerous, but Genevieve knew that the magic in the ring would protect her.

When Genevieve reopened her eyes, she found herself stood in an old house, that was in dire need of some repairs.
As she looked around, she saw Tom standing on one side of the room, with his wand pointed at a man who was lying on the floor, under the full body-bind curse.
"I didn't want to start without you, so I decided to just hold him here, until you turned up" informed Tom, as Genevieve walked over to him.
"I can't believe you actually found it" admitted Genevieve, before kissing Tom's cheek softly.
"It wasn't easy. Gregorovitch has moved around a lot, probably to avoid this very moment. But nevertheless, I found him" smiled Tom, triumphantly.

Tom flicked his wand, removing the Curse off of Gregorovitch.
The wand maker had a large thick, bushy beard, made of white hair, making him look like a very feeble Santa Claus.
Gregorovitch pushed himself up off the floor, and backed into the corner of the room.
"You know what I seek, Gregorovitch, now give it to me" ordered Tom.
"I know not what you want" lied Gregorovitch weakly.
"The Elder Wand, old man. Where is it?" Questioned Tom.
"I do not know-"
"Give it to me!".

Before Gregorovitch could lie again, Tom flicked his wand, and suddenly the old man was hanging upside down by his ankles.
"Do not make me ask again" warned Tom.
"I have it not! I have it no more. It was many years ago, stolen from me" revealed Gregorovitch, who began to look ill as the blood began to rush to his head.
Genevieve began to feel sick to her stomach, as Tom got closer to finding out that her father had taken the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch.
"Do not lie to Lord Voldemort. He knows Gregorovitch, he always knows" replied Tom.
"I not lie. The wand was taken" insisted Gregorovitch.

"We shall see if you are telling the truth" Tom said coldly, as he pointed his wand at Gregorovitch's head.
Tom took hold of Genevieve's hand, and they watched as Gregorovitch's pupils grew bigger and bigger, until they seemed to suck Genevieve and Tom inside them.
Suddenly Genevieve found herself inside Gregorovitch's memory, and she didn't dare let go of Tom, as that would take her out of it.
Together, they watched as a much younger Gregorovitch ran through his house towards the workshop.
When he got there, he saw a young boy with the Elder Wand in his hand, grin back at him, before jumping out of the window.

Despite never seeing her father look that young, Genevieve recognised him instantly.
But since Tom had only met Gellert a handful of times, she prayed that he didn't recognise the theif.
The light in Gregorovitch's memory, was poor, so they hadn't been able to see Gellert's different colour eyes.
Genevieve felt sure that if Tom had seen that the intruder had Heterchromia, who would put two and two together, and realise who had taken the Elder Wand.

"Who was the thief, Gregorovitch?" Quizzed Tom, as he pulled him and Genevieve out of Gregorovitch's head, and back into the present.
"I do not know. I never knew the young man. I never saw him before and I never saw him again" answered Gregorovitch.
"No! You must know more. You must know who he was" replied Tom, as he raised his wand angrily.
"No, please. I swear, I do not know the thief. Please don't hurt-" begged Gregorovitch.
"Avada Kedavra!" Interupted Tom, killing Gregorovitch with a flick of his wand.

"Vee!" Gasped Genevieve, as Gregorovitch's body dropped onto the ground.
"What?" Questioned Tom.
"You didn't need to kill him. He told you want you wanted to know. It's not his fault someone stole the wand from him many years ago" replied Genevieve.
"I never said I blamed him for losing the wand. But I can't have him telling anyone that I'm after the Elder Wand. Besides, he didn't have long left to live anyway, you saw how old he was. He wouldn't have lived forever, for he was not like us".

"So, what are you going to do now then? That thief could be anyone, and they could be anywhere in the world. Are you going to give up searching for the wand?" Asked Genevieve hopefully.
"No! You know me, I never give up. There is something strangely familiar about the thief. And I will not rest until I find him, and have the Elder Wand in my possession" announced Tom.
"Oh, good" mumbled Genevieve, who prayed that Tom never discovered the theif's identity, as that would put her and her father in a lot of danger.

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