7. An Unwelcome Visitor

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Genevieve couldn't remember the last time she had felt so happy.
With her husband by her side, and her Kneazle on her lap, her days were filled with joy.
Tom showered her in all kinds of gifts on Christmas day, including a new wedding ring for each of them, as theirs had been lost. These rings were enchanted, just like the original ones, so that they would always be able to apparate to each others sides, no matter where they were.
She recieved jewellery, clothes, perfume, flowers, chocolates, and everything you could think of.
But despite that, Tom kept saying that her main present was yet to come, and she wouldn't recieve it until January.
Before then though, it was Tom's birthday, and Genevieve made sure to make him feel extra special, just like he had made her feel at Christmas.

Finally on the 13th of January, Tom announced that it was time for her big surprise.
He left the house and returned several hours later. But he was not alone.
10 death eaters stood before Genevieve, wearing prison robes, similar to the one Genevieve had spent 14 years in.
But these prisoners did not come from Nurmengard, like her.
They were from Azkaban.
And to Genevieve's annoyance, her old rival Bellatrix Lestrange stood among the death eaters.

Genevieve loathed Bellatrix, for she was openly infatuated with Tom.
Bellatrix had even kissed Tom once, while alone with him, which had made Genevieve furious.
While Bellatrix no longer looked young and beautiful, she was still much younger than Genevieve and Tom, which worried her, as she thought Tom might prefer someone younger.
But Azkaban had given Bellatrix a deranged look, and she now looked rather unhinged.

"Suprise!" Announced Tom.
"Looks like you are the first person ever to break someone out of Azkaban. Sirius Black doesn't count, because he got himself out. So, congratulations" praised Genevieve, as she forced a smile.
Tom made his way over to her, and placed his arm around her waist.
"The wizarding world will need to sleep with one eye open tonight, now that 10 of my loyalist death eaters, have returned to my service" grinned Tom.

"And we look forward to serving you, my Lord. I am desperate to show you that I am still powerful enough, to be your right hand man" admitted Bellatrix.
"We are also very grateful to you, for breaking us out of Azkaban" added Rodolphus; Bellatrix's husband.
"You are welcome. You were the only ones brave enough to try and find me, when I fell all those years ago. So, it is only right that I freed you once I was back to full power. And since so many death eaters were killed, I need every fighter I can get my hands on" replied Tom.
"I was so desperate to find you, when everyone else thought you were dead. I could not rest, until I found you. I would have died if it brought you back. For there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you" revealed Bellatrix.

Genevieve rolled her eyes at Bellatrix's words.
"It's a shame that you were unable to find my husband. You obviously don't know him like I do, because I know where he would have fled to. And even though you tortured those aurors into insanity, you still didn't learn where your master was. So, despite your devoted actions, they were really rather pointless, for they didn't achieve anything" said Genevieve, with a smile on her face.
Bellatrix frowned and glared at Genevieve.
"I chose to be locked in a cell, rather than betray my dark lord, like some other despicable people did" reminded Bellatrix.
"I wouldn't exactly say that you chose to be locked up. For you were captured, and held hostage against your will" countered Genevieve.

"You were also imprisoned, so were unable to help the dark lord return to power" said Bellatrix, mockingly.
"My location was given to the Ministry, by a traitor, so my imprisonment was not my fault. I was not captured on a mission, which resulted in failure anyway, like you" replied Genevieve.
"You were still very easy to capture" reminded Bellatrix.
"I was ambushed at my home by 20 or so aurors. I never stood a chance, because the Ministry knew I was such a dangerous target, which is why they sent their best men after me"
"Maybe they really sent those aurors to your house, because they were hoping to find the dark lord there. Perhaps they were never after you at all".

"Ladies, please, there is no need to fight, we are all on the same side" said Tom, as he stepped in front of Bellatrix and Genevieve.
"Forgive me, my lord. I only wish to show how devoted I am to you" replied Bellatrix.
"I know how loyal you are to me, Bella, you do not need to prove anything to me. But let me remind you, that Genevieve is my wife, so she deserves the same respect that you show me. You are my loyal servant, nothing more. Remember your place" instructed Tom sternly.
"Of course, my Lord".
"Sorry for losing my temper, Vee. You're right, I do not need to fight over you, for you are my husband. You love me and no one else, which is why we are married. I am also the daughter of the famous Gellert Grindelwald, so no other woman alive could ever be my equal" admitted Genevieve, as she smiled and looked right into Bellatrix's eyes.

"Bella knows her place, and it is at your feet, my Lord, and not your side" said Rodolphus, as he pulled Bellatrix back towards the rest of the group.
"Yes. It is" mumbled Bellatrix.
"Good. Well, now that's all sorted, I should take you all to the safe house I have set up to hide you in" announced Tom.
"Won't we be staying here, with you, my Lord, so that we can help you at all times?" Questioned Bellatrix.
"This is our home, mine and my husband's. Not yours. Besides, I'm sure you want the chance to be alone with your own husband, after everything you've been through. You two need your own space" replied Genevieve.

"Actually, I would rather spend time with my sister, as I haven't seen her in so long" admitted Bellatrix.
"That can be arranged. I can drop you off at the Malfoy Manor, before taking the others to the safe house" replied Tom.
"Thank you, my Lord" said Bellatrix, before bowing her head respectfully.
"Don't be too long" murmered Genevieve, before kissing Tom's lips softly, while making sure that Bellatrix was watching them.
"I'll be back before you know it, don't worry" informed Tom, before stroking Genevieve's cheek tenderly.
"You'd better be" replied Genevieve.
"I promise".

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