Chapter 6

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Its been two weeks since we've been in the cabin and my 19th birthday was 8 hours away. My birthday was tomorrow. It was after 4 in the afternoon and I had to miss the day activities. I had a burning sensation in my body. From my head to my toe. My heart burned also and my very being burned. I've never experienced anything like this, and it hurt me to feel this weak.

My head pounded and I wanted to scream, I fisted the sheet beneath me and bit my lip to stop myself from screaming. The pain was unbearable. My back felt like it was breaking, everything was hightened. I heard the bird chirp outside, the eagle that flew ten miles away, quickly pounding its wings against the wind.

"Elizabeth?" Lia asked, or should I say shouted.

"Stop shouting." I whispered very softly. My head throbbed.

"I'm not." She whispered, sitting on my bed and taking my hands in hers. "You are burning up." She hissed, throwing my hand back unto the bed. She furrowed her brown eyes in confusion and continued to look at me.

"I'll be okay." I whispered, biting my lip to stop myself from screaming. I saw Nikolai come into the room and he looked nervous but sexy. He looked nervously sexy. I mentally scolded myself, I shouldn't be having these thoughts about him. No, no, no! Bad Elizabeth.

"Liz, I have somebody who wants to help you." He said and scratched his neck nervously. I never realised how good his lips looked.

"Who is it?" I whispered. He looked at the door, then back at me. He swallowed loudly. I saw the spittle go down his throat, well not the actual thing.

"Me." I turned to the door and took in the man that stood there. I knew him all to well. He was tall, brown hair, blue eyes and an attractive face. I stared at him. What was he doing here?

"I called him to help you." Nikolai said and I recoiled in the bed. He wasn't going to touch me again.

"Do you remember me?" He asked very softly.

"Steven." I whispered softly.

"Is that all, Elizabeth?" I looked at him. Our blue eyes locking. He gave me that look and I knew what he wanted me to say.


Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to give you something.

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