Chapter 15

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I was currently in my office with Anika. She was laying on the red couch and was deep in thought. I was waiting on Elizabeth to come into the room. I was waiting on it. I let out a sigh thinking about all I kept from her. It was to protect her. I did it all to protect her. I heard when the Evangelia girl told her that she was a weapon and the silence that followed. They were still sitting in silence as far as I could hear.

"Bas?" Anika asked and I looked at her.


"Are we bad parents?" She asked her voice soft. I got up from my seat behind my desk and made my way toward her. She sat up and I sat next to her taking her hand in my own.

"Why would you even ask that?"

"I put my angel in her. To constantly guide her. You told a whole kingdom that she was dead, when you knew very well that she was alive. By sun down we'll be the worst parents ever." She hiccuped. I swallowed, Anika never showed weakness. She didn't cry not even during child birth, she screamed and held tightly to the sheets but didn't cry.

"Don't cry." I whispered pulling her into my arms.

"I don't cry Bas." She scoffed then wrapped her arms around me. "What if she hates us." She said after a while.

"She wouldn't hate you." I said reassuringly.

"What about you?"

"Elizabeth doesn't hate. If it's anything she'll be giving me the cold shoulder and I could live with that." I rubbed her shoulders.

"Bas, she's found her mate. Our baby is growing up." She said and pulled back to look at me. Blue on blue.

"She stopped being our baby the day she ran away." I said remembering that day that caused me much pain.

"She's going to be queen." Anika said after a beat and I looked at her.

"Yes, once she accepts it." I said to her.

"Do you think she will?" She asked.

"It's hard to say. I hope she does, she'll be a great leader." I said reassuringly. She opened her mouth to say something but a crash from next door made her stop. I heard shouting but I wasn't sure who was shouting at who. There was too much shouting at once for me to gather what was going on. I quickly stood and ran to her bedroom. I opened the door without knocking and I just stared at the sight before me.

Elizabeth was on the bed and Anthony was on top of her, pinning her down to the bed and Garret and Evangelia stood near the bed and had battle stances. Garret had a red mark along his cheek and one around his neck. The door to her bathroom was broken in strands. Her eyes were fuming and Anthony looked as though he was struggling. I only just noticed that Evangelia stood between them and Garret as if to hold him off.

"What happened?" Anika asked coming into the room.

"I don't know. One minute Elizabeth the next minute she was going for Garret."

"What did he do?" I asked walking towards my daughter.

"He did nothing. He only told her that she was a weapon." Evangelia said looking at Elizabeth.

"My mate is not a weapon." Anthony said and looked at us, still holding her down. Anika made her way towards them and placed a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder. Elizabeth looked at her and her eyes held pain and anger and I came to her side.

"Elizabeth, you are not a weapon." Anika said to her and her features hardened.

"Then why was I said to be dead?" She asked rhetorically.

"It was safer." I said looking down at her. Her eyes snapped up to mine and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"For who?"

"For you." I said to her question. She closed her eyes and they returned back to normal no more demon black.

"We need to talk." Anika said to her.

"About what?" She asked and I wondered the same thing.

"Your abilities."

"What abilities?"

"You are one of the four."

"What does that mean?"

"That you and your mate must be protected twice as much as before."

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