Chapter 27

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Anthony was the first to wake. He sat on the wooden chair he was tied to; his head hung low but his eyes open. His wrist hurt and burned from the chains and his ankle was not in any better condition. His neck felt stiff and he couldn't help but worry how long he was tied up for. His shoulders and legs felt numb and unused and his skin burnt. His wounds no longer  burnt and he thought that he had dreamt the entire ordeal but the metallic taste in his mouth reminded him of otherwise. He remembered the demon man and the daggers. His blood began to boil at the  memory but he quickly shook his head trying to dismiss it. The action caused pain to travel down his spine and he heard his neck crack.

He slowly lifted his head and looked around the room. 

He was placed in what looked like an underground cellar or dungeon with no windows and one solid wooden door. It was made of stone and it looked to be over hundreds of years old. Anthony gulped, he could hope for the best. The room was dark and smelt of blood and body perfume. His eyes scanned the small room some more until it rested on the two figures in front of him. His eyes widened as he realised who they were. It was Kathlyn and Elizabeth. But truth be told Anthony couldn't tell who was who. They both wore black dresses and their hair was braided down their backs and away from their faces. Their heads were hanging down, their face practically in their bosoms. His heart rate picked up as he listened to the slow steady beats  of their hearts.

He looked at the one closer to him and hoped she was alright. He would hate himself if something happened to Kathlyn because of Elizabeth and him, he would never be able to forgive himself. He licked his lips several times before he spoke.

"Elizabeth." He croaked out. His voice seemed to echo through the room and the other occupants stirred. Except one of the girls. She remained unmoving. 

Kathlyn stirred, she felt the sudden need to wake up. She urged against the edge of unconsciousness and pried her eyes open. She only had her wrist bound to the chair and she felt weak, weaker than usual. Her eyes threatened to close back but she begged them to remain open. She held her  stiff neck up and her eyes landed on Anthony. Hope bubbled in her chest and her body gave a slight jolt. She saw him turn to look at her and he smiled before his smile fell and he looked beyond her. She turned to look at her left and saw that Elizabeth was still unconscious. She turned to look about the room and her eyes landed on Thomas. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she  looked at him.

"Thomas?" She questioned and he glanced at her and his eyes lit up.

"Kathlyn. My love." He said to her and she smiled. However her smile fell from her lips as she remembered the hunters had taken them.

"No. I cannot be your love." She whispered softly and Thomas grew angry.

"Why ever not? We have said our vows before-" She cut him off.

"Thomas we are here by the hunters. No emotional attachment. They would find our weakness." She whispered in case someone was listening.  Thomas nodded in understanding as did Anthony. They knew what was at stake.

"Why is she not awake?" Anthony asked Kathlyn. They both turned to glance at Elizabeth's still form.

"I wish I knew. I have been out and unfortunately I have only just awaken." She said a frown on her lips.

"What did they do to you?" Thomas asked.

"I know not. " She said looking at her change of dress. She frowned again and let out a low sigh. Before they could ask her another question the door opened and in walked a woman and a man.

The woman smiled at them but frowned when her eyes landed on Elizabeth. The man glanced at them all but settled his eyes on Elizabeth's unconscious form. The commander shifted, she did not like the way her second was eyeing the angel woman.

"Who are you?" Anthony shouted after he had enough of the demon man, who daggered him, stare at his mate. Cyrus did not like that, and he most defiantly didn't  like it either. He found it hard to hold back the growl, but he knew he had to. 

"Oh, little angel. We ask the questions, not you. But this is not an interrogation. You would find out your purpose soon enough." The commander said smiling at them, her teeth showing.

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