Chapter 12

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We reappeared in Drexel and every person within the vicinity was there to surround us. The blonde girls stepped away from Elizabeth and I and looked at us. Instantly, a team of maids and guards were there to surround us.

"Who are you nephilim?" He asked. He was a stocky fella with short brown hair and emerald eyes.

"I am Captain Anthony Frazer. I work as a guard to the royal family." I said, giving the information I was required to.

"Captain." The man saluted me then peered at Elizabeth in my arms. He let out a sigh then walked away to talk to one of the maids.

"You don't understand, this is important. I have to get my mate to the infirmary."

"Captain, even you should know that affairs of the heart shouldn't be brought to the palace." He bit out harshly.

"Yes, I know but this was very urgent." I said, shifting from foot to foot.

"Fine, let me take a look. What happened to her, what is she and who is she?" Before I could answer him Elizabeth screamed. An earsplitting sound and I knew that I had mere seconds left. "Get Garret." He said to one of the maids.

"Hunter's arrow pierced her. She's a hybrid, of demon and angel." I said staring down at her beautiful face, her swollen lips parted and her eyes closed tightly.

"Impossible, only one exists and she's-"

"Dead? No she isn't. She's my mate."

"Princess Elizabeth died. A very long time ago."

"No she didn't. Her father personally sent me to bring her here."

"Cyrus? What? How?" A tall man with a built physique,  blonde hair and blue eyes came my way, looking at me strangely.

"I'm not Cyrus, sorry?" I looked at Stacy and she was being led away by two maids who looked like they were going to take her to a room.

"Of course. What's that?" My attention was snapped back to the man in front of me.

"My mate. She's been impaled by a Hunter's arrow." His face paled tenfold and gestured for me to follow him.

"Hurry, we must move with haste." He said, moving quickly through the palace. "I'm glad that you and Amelise have been reunited, Cyrus but why have you taken so long to come and find me?" He asked, never stopping once.

"Firstly, my name is not Cyrus and this is Elizabeth not Amelise and we only just arrived."

"Reincarnations." He said to himself then looked at me and then Elizabeth. He walked faster, turning down a number of various corridors. "Are you aware that Demon's blood is acidic?" He didn't wait for me to answer, he barged into a room and I was quick on his heels.

"You can help her right?" I asked, worry in my voice.

"Of course. Lay her on the bed and and get out." He said placing gloves on his hand and grabbing a small pocket knife.

"Are you sure?" I placed her gently on the bed and stepped back, never taking my eyes off her.

"I could manage. You can watch if you want."

"Thank you. Evangelia told me to come get you." He set to work cutting at the arrow head and then the tail.

"Where is she?" He asked never leaving what he was doing. After he finished with the arrow he swiftly pulled it out and placed both hands to stop the blood from either side of her.

"Doesn't it burn?" He didn't give me a glance. He barely acknowledged me as he began saying something. He continued doing this and I watched with fascination as Elizabeth's blood stop flowing. He slowly removed his hands and began to perform minor stitches on the wounds. He worked quickly and with a lot of concentration. When he was finished, he disposed of his gloves and then placed plasters on her wounds.

"She needs to rest." He said walking out of the room. Before I could thank him he questioned me again. "Where is my mate?"

"Earth." I said stepping out of the room and closing the door behind me.

"Why is she there?" He asked with distaste.

"I discovered my mate and she was one of her friends. They were on Earth when I got there." He scrunched up his face and then looked back at me.

"Your mate, she's the Princess?"

"Yes." I said to which he nodded.

"Did you get the um..." He trailed off and I looked at him strange.

"The vision? About the two angels who were killed and their unborn child? Yes, we got it right before she was attacked." I said, clenching my jaw. I swallowed. I was getting emotional and I cared way too much for a woman I just met.

"You know who they are?" I stared at him for a minute. I shook my head and placed my hands in my pocket. My wings retracted and I forgot that they were out.

"No, and I would also like to know why Elizabeth and I have the same wings."

"No two angels have the same wings. The same colour yes, but never the same type. Wings are like an angels fingerprint. Even twins have different types of wings."

"Okay, so why are they the same colour." He let out a laugh and turned around.

"I would answer that question when both you and your mate are awake."


So, another chappie finished. I couldn't help it, I just had to. Exams for me are starting tomorrow so i'll be mucho busy studying. But i'll write still. Do enjoy, and oh since Anthony has been introduced the POV's would be limited to him, Elizabeth and Sebastian. No worries, more Nikolai to come.

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