Chapter 2

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" Elizabeth, how have you been?" he asked me softly as we made our way back to our now shared cabin.

"Now you know me. Like i told you earlier, i have no recollection of who you are." i said harshly, picking up the speed and reaching first to the cabin.

"We only have one spear room. The rest of you guys are going to have to share," Stacy said once everyone gathered infront of the door.

I looked at her with horrified eyes. Did she just suggest we share? I must have heard wrong. instantly Nikolais' eyes met mine and he had a sly smile on his lips.

"I'll take the room with Liz." He said calmly. Stacy watched him then me and nodded in agreement.

"Since you two know each other, that'll be a great idea." She said with a gigantic smile on her face.

"Um... can i have a say?" i pleaded.

"Nope!" Kelly said popping the p while she slung hands with one of Nikolai's friends and carried him off to her room.

"Fine." i grumbled. "Follow me." i said, turning my back to his greedy eyes and walking towards my bedroom.


"Follow me." i heard her grumble. I smiled as I watched her walk through the house.

"Do you live out here?" I asked as she made her way through the house as thought it was familiar teritority.

"No." she said not even giving me a glance. Her long brown hair bobbing as she walked on. Oh how i missed those beautiful blue eyes and the way her bottom swayed when she was having fun or the way she would scrunch up her nose when she was confused, or the way her lips curled up showing off her dimples when she smiled.

"You know better than to keep your hair wet." I teased. She stopped walking and stood infront of the door. It must have been her room, which was in the very back of the cabin. She twisted the knob and pushed open the door entering the room. Her room was pristine. I marveled at the sight of how clean she kept her room. When i was last in her room, three years ago back in London before she moved back to the US to live with her mom.

She had a california king size bed and a matching blue rug. Her chest of drawers was teak which contrasted with the ice white colour of the walls. Opposite the bed was a door which i supposed was leading to the bathroom. She had pictures up along the walls of the room. Pictures with her and the girls that were also staying in the cabin, of her in London, her in Miami and her in Italy. This was one chick who loved to travel.

"Yes i do but i didn't get chance as there were people moving into the cabin next door." she said. I could still hear the English accent.

"Oh that stung Beth." she scrunched up her nose at the name i called her.

"Don't call me Beth." She snapped and i dropped my bags.

"You never use to mind before." I said evenly. "What happened to you?" i asked

"You happened to me." she said nonchantly then darted towards the bathroom door before slaming and locking it behind her. I happened to her. Her words echoed through my brain and i felt bad. Was she still mad for what happened three years ago when we were only 16?

I sat on her bed waiting for her to come out. She must have been in that bathroom for about twenty minutes and her face was still fresh in my mind. I tried to shake the image of her from my mind, I promised myself that I didn't a girl to keep me happy especially one who wanted to forget me so badly.

"Why are you still here?" she asked as she made her way out of the bathroom. Her blue eyes on me, her brown hair in a high ponytail. I pushed my hair behind my face and met her blue eyes with my blue eyes. She bit on her lower lip and I wanted to lean forward and release it from its trap.

"This is our room." I said smiling lightly. She scoffed and turned her back to me then walked to the bedroom door. "Can we talk?" She stopped in her tracks and turned to face me, her eyes ablaze.

"What is there to talk about?" She asked. i patted the seat next to me on her bed and she hesitantly took up the seat.

"Beth, I'm sorry." i began, truely sorry for what happened between us.

"No you aren't." she snapped. She stood from the bed and turned to face me, arms folded across her chest.

"Yes i am. Give me time and I'll prove it." i begged.

"No Nikolai the time for amends has passed." She said softly.

"I promise you, i'll make it right."

"I won't be holding my breath." She said before walking out the room and slamming the door behind her. Taking with her all my hopes for us and the thoughts that she had forgiven me for my stupid mistakes.


AN: soo... i was really nervous to finish this chapter but i would love feedbacks and ideas. I already know the problem between nikolai and Liz it's jus hw to solve it. oh well. i'll write when i get time ... bear with me please :-)

Love Crissy

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