Chapter 23

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"Elizabeth take me back." Kathlyn shouted at the hybrid girl. They stood on the shore of the beach where they first met, Elizabeth's wings folding behind her.

"We can't go back. Did you not see the monster." Elizabeth said to her look alike.

"That is no monster. That is my husband." Kathlyn said outraged. She had longed for him to come back, but she hadn't expected her guest to attack him. She knew they were not human, she knew they were creatures like Thomas and she had tried to gather their species, but it was hard when they were so good at hiding their traits.

Elizabeth was stunned, she had expected the woman to scream at her unappealing image. Demons were not the best looking creatures in their true form. Between their pale complexions and tough skin and their sharp teeth and dark eyes, they won't be the ones you'd see in happy dreams. Sometimes, their claws were the worst. But demons tried their best not to use their claws unless, absolutely necessary.

While her demon wasn't the prettiest, angels were known for their beauty. Elegant skin and beautiful great wings and a voice as calm as a full moon. The contrast between the species was what fueled them for war. However, the short duration of the war led to some angels and demons believing that co-existing was nearly impossible. Since it was very clear that demoms were/are monsters.

That is until the first demon-angel hybrid was born in the 1500's but those angels who believed the baby was a freak of nature, saw to it that the baby was executed and the parents imprisoned. So angels began regecting their mates, if the mate so happen to be a demon. However in the 1600's an angel carried the second hybrid baby. And the baby was raised in secreat until it reached the age of four where it vanished off the face of the earth.

"Kathlyn, that is a monster." Elizabeth said trying to reason with her.

"And are you not a monster?" Kathlyn asked her fuming. Elizabeth stared at her look a like and wondered. Was she a monster? Her face softened.

"No, I am not a monster." Elizabeth said softly remembering the words Garret had said to her, about her being a weapon. Her anger rose but she seetled it. She was not a monster.

Kathlyn watched the girl with curiousity. She knew she was struggling internally, she just didn't know of what. The girl was a strange one, unlike any she had heard or seen before. And she had seen quite a few before she left the palace. She was not going to think of it. She was not going to think of her former life without her husband. That life was long gone as was the princess.

"Then you are indeed in danger." Kathlyn said to the species.

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked confused. Why was she in danger.

"If you are not a monster, you will not be able to protect yourself. You will be in danger."

"I am aware of how to protect myself." Elizabeth said angrily.

"Your arrogance will get you killed." Kathlyn said and picked up her dress. She turned her back to Elizabeth and walked back toward her cabin.

"Kathlyn what do you mean?" Elizabeth asked catching up to her.

"Your species are being hunted. You will be killed." She said not turning to look at Elizabeth.

"My species?" Elizabeth asked confused to which species the girl was referring to

"You are angel are you not?" Kathlyn asked glancing at her.

"I am." She said keeping it simple. 

"Someone is hunting angels. Trying to innoculate them. That is why I am here."

"Hunting angels? You're angel?" Elizabeth asked astonished.

"I was. I gave up my angel to be with my husband."

"Why would you do that?" Kathlyn stopped and looked at her.

"I don't know how it is done in England but it's wrong to mix species."

"What do you mean wrong?" Elizabeth asked, fear seizing her heart.

"Elizabeth, there are different races for a reason. It is as there are different animal types. You don not mix a dog with a cat." Kathlyn said looking at Elizabeth.

"What if it is love?" Elizabeth asked, her temper rising. She didn't want to release her anger on the now mortal woman for she knew her anger was a dangerous thing.

"That is why you make sacrifices. You make sacrifices for the ones you love. It is simple." Kathlyn said with a cocked brow.

"But that is wrong." Elizabeth said in outrage.

"Everyone is subject to their opinion." Kathlyn said and let out a sigh. "We need to make haste, it is already past sun down." Kathlyn said but she was not granted a response from Elizabeth. 

Before the hybrid girl could respond to her host, a hand wrapped around her throat and cut off her air supply temporarily, knocking her unconscious. Her host glanced back in time to see the mask figure make it's way towards her; knocking her unconscious with a swift blow to her head.


Meanwhile in the cabin, as Thomas shifted back to his human form, Anthony retracted his wings back into his body and Nikolai looked at the shape-shifter with curious eyes. The group looked at each other in silence waiting for something to break the silence.

"Something is not right." Thomas said standing from the ground and looking at the angel.

"Of course it is not right. You are still walking." Anthony snarled and Thomas glared at him with angry eyes.

" No. I meant not with your pettie issues. I meant with my wife." Thomas said walking towards the door.

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked. Knowing that his mate was with the shape-shifters wife. If something happened to Kathlyn, then something happened to Elizabeth. And he had no way of knowing how she felt until they completed the mating ceremony.

"She is distressed." He said almost inaudibly.

"What do you mean?" Nikolai asked, feeling strange to be out of the loop.

"Something is not right." He said and walked toward Anthony with a glare of determination on his face. "Where did your lover take my wife?" He  asked and Nikolai's jaw tightened at the word lover.

"How am I to know. I have been here with you this entire time." Anthony said and Thomas growled deeply. He suspected the man to be speaking truth, but you could never trust the angels.

"We have to find her." Thomas said.

"And Elizabeth." Anthony said just as a wave of something washed over him. He grabbed his head in his hand and squeezed it tightly. He was getting waves of pain in his head, it was unspeakable. His body ached as Cyrus cringed and quiver inside his head, something was bothering him greatly. It was shaking his body and affecting Cyrus. He dropped to his knees and his hands squeezed his head tightly, trying to ease the pounding in his body.

"Are you okay?" Nikolai shouted at him and he cringed.

"Don't shout." Anthony growled at the demon boy.

"I'm not shouting." Nikolai hissed softly. He didn't know what was going on with Elizabeths' mate but he wasn't looking very good.

"This is indeed not looking good." Thomas said and stooped next to the angel.

"What, what is it?" Nikolai asked and Thomas gulped loudly.

"The hunters have them."


Hey guys, here is an update for you. Do enjoy. Don't forget to comment vote and share. 

Happy day and enjoy it to the fullest.

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