Chapter 29

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Elizabeth didn't know what was happening. Her eyes felt glued shot and her mouth hurt as though it was hanging open all this time. Her neck had a crick, which she supposed would be a coming stiff neck. She didn't know how long she was trapped here but her body ached and she had blood all on her face, from her nose and ears. Her body ached more than necessary, and she felt deep comfort being in the arms of her mate. 

Anthony rubbed his mates back soothingly. Cyrus had subsided and now he felt drained. His body felt spent and he knew that he had used all his energy. Elizabeth shifted in his arms and his body stilled. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her mate. His brown eyes looking at her blue eyes and she wasted no time. She made their lips meet. She brought his equally dry lips to her more dry ones. Their lips moved in sync and she felt the best feelings on earth. She knew nothing could compare to the blissful feeling of her mate kissing her. The need for air made them separate from each other.

"Are you alright?" Anthony asked his mate. She nodded at him for Elizabeth knew her throat was too raspy to speak properly. Anthony kissed her again, just a small  peck on her lips and she smiled lightly at him. Anthony was about to ask her another question when the door flung open and in walked the commander and her second, Luca. 

The couple on the floor looked at the commander. The girl angel chained to the chair stared at the commander with interest. The commander looked familiar to her, she couldn't put a name to her face. Thomas watched the commander and her second with vigilant eyes. He didn't trust them, he didn't want them to hurt his mate. The commanders eyes rested on the couple then on the other two beings in the room.

"Hello, I am Commander." She said with a sly smile on her face. "Now that you are all alive and well, we could begin the plans." She clapped her hands together and rubbed them slowly. 

"What do you want?" Kathlyn asked. The commander looked at her and smile.

"Oh, I was now getting to that. But first, I have some things I wish to share with you." She said and cracked her knuckles. 

"Commander." Luca said to her in a voice that made the blood in Elizabeth's body boil.

"Of course, grab the angel male." The commander said and two guards walked in and grabbed Anthony away from his mate. He squirmed against the men but they held him fast and brought him next to the commander. Elizabeth watched in horror as her mate was grabbed from her arms. She struggled to stand to her feet and once on her feet, she staggered a bit and steadied herself.

"Let him go." She said in a throaty voice. The commander laughed at the now weak angel girl. She had not noticed that her eyes were demon blue, she had assumed that they were brown.

"Luca." The commander said and her second who had been watching the angel closely quickly pulled out a dagger and sliced across his arm, lacing the dagger with his blood. He grabbed her and pressed the dagger to her neck. 

Elizabeth hissed.

She did not hiss because the demon blood touched her skin, she hissed because her claws extended from her nails, and she knew what that meant.

She was ready for fight.


So I took more than 10 days and this is so short. Urgh, I'm sorry. School is starting back week after so I'll try to get in 3 updates least. Do enjoy.

Oh,  I know I asked for your views, and thanks for those of you who were positive but fyi, your negative comments are not necessary, you can simply say "I don't like this story." and mind you me if you want to judge my FICTIONAL STORY please ensure that your story is under wraps or you could do better because you need to cut that shit out. Honey, you don't know anything about writing if that was your feedback so suck it.

Sorry, thanks for the reads and votes. Guys 600 reads, we could make 1k+. Thanks much for the support and I kicked that douche to the curb.

Love you guys. -Gummy

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