Chapter 8

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I was confused by all the strange things that were happening. First Steven is Elizabeth's father, then his real name is Sebastian. he's married to this angel chick Anika, who's Elizabeth's mom and she can't fix Elizabeth. As far as I'm concerned, she was pointless.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, growing impatient but she was leaving out something important I knew it. She looked at me, her blue eyes twinkling.

"I'm living." She said and smiled.

"You mean, you aren't going back?" Steven asked her with a look of admiration. She bit her lip and nodded her head.

"We'll be a proper family." She said happily. This woman had major moodswings.

"What's going to happen to Liz?" Stacy asked, growing frustrated.

"Why do you want to know?" She narrowed her eyes at Stacy and crossed her legs on the bed.

"She's my friend. I care." Anika hummed and I stared at her. I'd never seen an angel before and Steven had told me very little about them.

"This isn't adding up." Lia said staring at the adults and then at Elizabeth.

"What isn't dear?" Anika asked sweetly.

"Elizabeth. She had cystic fibrosis all her life, well sixteen years. She comes back cured and now her body is doing some strange things even after she completed her transition. I don't understand. Can demons procreate?"

"Males can for their entire life, but females can't. Well they can but only until they reach the human age of forty-five." Anika answered.

"As though they begin to menapause?" Stacy asked intrigued.

"If that is the word, then yes." Anika nodded.

"And what of angels.?" Lia asked.

"We are only allowed three offsprings. After we have had three, we can no longer procreate. That is females. Males live up to two hundred being able to bear children and after that time has passed, they are no longer able to precreate." Anika answered.

"So, he's a Demon and you're an angel?" I asked, liking the facts I was getting to know. Both adults nodded and I thought.

"So what is Elizabeth?" Kelly asked before the rest of us could.

"She's a hybrid." Anika said happily.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"She has the best of both worlds." Steven said gently stroking Elizabeth's hair.

"I'm still confused." I said honestly.

"She would have Demon characteristics as well as angel. She will have wings, acid blood, lust for blood but a vegetarian, immortal. You name it, she has it."

"So what happened when she turned 16?" Lia asked.

"Her both sides accepted each other." Steven replied.

"So was it necessary for you to change her?" I asked Steven.

"I didn't change her, I healed her." He said quickly. Anika gave him a glare and her nose twitched.

"Was her cystic fibrosis real?" I asked. Both parents looked at each other and then us, then Elizabeth.

"When she left the palace, she needed something to go with so that's what she went with." Steven said shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you mean leave the palace?" I asked.

"Oh, you never tell them anything do you Bas?" Anika huffed. She let out a sigh and told us something we never expected to hear. "Elizabeth is the Princess of the other realm. She left the palace when she was 8 human years and disappeared into England. Bas tried to find her but she was making it extremely difficult. Eventually he let her have her way." What kind of father lets his 8 year old have her way?

"And what about you?" Stacy asked her.

"I..." Her voice broke and I became concerned. Steven grabbed her hand and held it firmly. He rubbed her hand soothingly and said something to her, very softly

"She died in child birth." Steven said softly.

"Was that your first child?" I asked intrigued.

"No, she had a still birth before." Steven answered once again.

"Why were there, complications?" Lia asked.

"Because it has never been heard of to deliver a hybrid baby. One of angel and Demon and no less only heir to the throne. God was punishing her." But it wasn't Steven who spoke those words, it was Elizabeth, with glazed over blue eyes and a sinister smile upon her lips.


I know it's short, but wanted to give you'll a double whammy, because I damaged my charger for my tablet and who knows when I'll update again.

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