Chapter 11

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I thought she was joking. I was mated to the Princess of Drexel. Things couldn't get any worse.

"Let's go talk to my parents." She said standing from the bed.

"Wait." I said to her but she continued on her path to the door. I reached her and grabbed her hand and the most crazy thing happened.

I saw a woman, with her hand on her swollen abdomen and a man, standing behind her with his hands aso on her abdomen. They looked really happy, then I saw smoke coming from no where and he said something to her. He kissed her deeply then gold and white wings sprang from his back and he flew off in the direction of the smoke. She hugged her abdomen tightly and carefully caressed it. I saw her turn, and there stood a man with a knife in one hand and a arrow in the other. He strapped the knife to his calf and smiled wickedly at the woman.

She screamed, no doubt for her mate and identicql gold and white wings emerged from her back. She was to come off the ground when a net was thrown over her that seemed to be burning her skin. She screamed out in pain and turned to shield her stomach from net. The man walked towards her qnd gave her a sinister smile. She had tears in her eyes and her skin was being burnt by the netting. She collapsed to the floor and held unto her chest. Just then a door in the far side of the room opened and in walked her mate, with a man following tightly behind him. He tried to run to his mate but the man behind him yanked at the chain that was around his neck.

Both him and his mate let out a scream and then things got worse. The man behind the mate of the woman, grabbed his wings and tore the appendages from his back. Both him and his mate screamed out in pure agony then the first man removed the netting off the woman and stooped to caress his face. She flinched away from him and he got angered. He took his knife amd thrust it through her abdomen. She cried it out pain and she placed her hands over her abdomen to stop the bleeding, but it continued to flow out of her body.

Her mate fought the man and tried to reach her. He was successful in getting away, but as he neared his mate, he was impaled with a stake that was thrown the air. He landed on his side and his mate let out a shrill scream. She looked into his dead eyes and screamed. She put both her hands on the floor to the house and she sent it and all inside of it, up in flames.

I pulled away from Elizabeth as the vision ended.

"What was that?" I asked her. We were both sweating and out of breath. She opened her mouth to say something but the words didn't get chance to leave her mouth as an arrow pierced through her back that was facing the window and through the front that was facing me.

"Elizabeth!?" I screamed and I ran to her side. She was on the floor, her breathing raspy and blood collecting on her t-shirt. My eyes pooled with water and I couldn't understand why I was crying over a woman I just met. I looked her in her eyes and I placed my hand by her wound but it burnt my hand. I tried to grab the arrow also, but that burned my hand as well. She was beginnig to lose colour and I was becoming enraged.

"Sebastian." I screamed as I held Elizabeth to my chest. My wings had opened and I felt myself feeling stronger.

"Why are you-" he stopped his sentence when he saw Elizabeth in my arms. He came close to her and I pulled her closer to me, her blood burning my skin. But my angel didn't care. We had let this happen to her. It was our fault she was in this condition.

"What's wrong?" The queen asked coming into the room. She skitted around the king and came to my side. She looked at the arrow and then at the door. "Evangelia?" She questioned and a average height, girl with brown hqir and big brown eyes stepped forward. She looked at Elizabeth and her eyes darkened.

"We have to get her to Drexel." She came close to Elizabeth and looked at her closely. "She doesn't have much time." The girl said.

"I have to find out who did this to my mate." The words left my mouth, but the baritone was deeper.

"I'll carry her." The one called Nikolai said and I glared at him hard.

"You will not touch my mate." I snapped and held Elizabeth closer to me.

"Well finally Anthony, you carry her." Evangelia said to me and stood.

"I want to kill who harmed her." I snapped.

"Then you can't carry Elizabeth." My angel was fighting between leaving her and revenge.

"This is a hunters arrow. They are after her. You have to take her to safely now or you won't have a mate." Evangelia snapped and rolled her shoulders.

"Okay. Where do I go?"

"Take her to the palace, my mate would be there. He could save her. Tell him Evangelia sent you and I'll be there shortly." I stared at her.

"I'll help you. Anika go with them. Make sure she's ok." Sebastian said to his wife.


"Not up for debate go. Kelly and Stacy, you go to." I sprang up on my feet with Elizabeth in my hands and looked at the brunette standing in front of me.

"Are you sure? What if-" she cut me off with a look.

"I can not be killed. Now go." She flexed her shoulders again and gave me a look. I didn't need to be told twice, I picked up Elizabeth in my arms, looked at one of her friends.

"One of you come with us." The blonde one stepped forward and I wrapped my wings around the three of us and disappeared to Drexel.

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