Chapter 31

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Elizabeth waited.

She had to be precise with her attack. She grounded her teeth and held back the urge to break the man's neck. But no one paid mind to her. All the focus was on her mate.

The commander watched the girl in her seconds grip. She was not struggling and for a second the commander thought she had mistaken the girls concern for a mate bond then she saw the dagger by the girls throat and she smiled. Things were going according to plan.

The male angel squirmed by her side and she was threatened to give him the toxin but she resisted.

"I hope you have said your fair wells." The commander said with a smirk upon her face. The angel beside her started struggling, his eyes wide with panic. His wings sprang free and he looked at his mate. However, his mates eyes were close and she had tears rolling down her face.

"Elizabeth, you must not." He said to her, his voice high with panic. Anthony knew what his mate was thinking. She wanted blood shed, he could feel it through their bond.

"But I must. If I do not you would meet your end." She whispered, her voice cracking.

"It was a good time. And I am ever glad that you are my mate." The commander watched the mates exchange. Something stirred within her chest. She knew what they were going through. And deep within she knew what she was doing was wrong. So she made the decision then to stop her reign of madness. To give these mates what she couldn't.

"Stop!" She shouted. The mates stared at her. "Let them go." She said in strong voice. However none of her men listened to her.

"I told you. I told you that we should not be run by a woman." A strong baritone said from the door. There stood a man with a stoic expression on his face and a scar that ran from his right eyebrow to his nose, crossing his eye. He pushed himself off the wall and advanced towards the commander.

"Samiel, what is the meaning of this?" She asked in outrage as three of her former men grabbed her and the other two mates in the room.

Luca was grabbed from behind the strange angel girl and held fastly with a dagger at his throat. Once again, Elizabeth was in a mans grasp with a dagger against her throat.

"You see commander, oh, yo are no longer my commander Marcella. I do not obey you. You obey me." Samiel laughed, a deep throaty sound rumbling through his chest. The former commander stiffened at her name. She did not like people to call her by her name.

"Marcella?" The weaker angel girl said and Marcella looked up at Kathryn. Her eyes narrowed at the girl and then widened in sudden realization.

"Enough of this. Are you ready for your end." Samiel said and laughed at his words. The guards holding Anthony brought him forward and Samiel drew his sword and prepared to take the angels head. But his strike was meet with claws; demon claws.

Elizabeth stood in front of her mate, wings wide and her body fully transformed. Her skin had thickened and her teeth were pointed as she hissed at the man. Her eyes were black and her claws were long. Her wings were spread wide and and her face had the angelic glow.

"You will not hurt my mate." She said, her voice a combination of demon roughness and the soothing celestial tone of an angel.

She grabbed the sword out of the mans grasp and broke it in her hands.

Samiel didn't know what had just happened but he knew the abomination before him had started war.
Hi guys, i am not dead. Wattpad deleted the chapter I had so I ad to do it over and I took a different approach this time. I hope you like this chapter. Just to let you know, Jason Stathom plays Samiel and its pronounced Sam-i-el.

So hope you enjoy and do enjoy the rest of your day.

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