Chapter 17

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I stood behind Lia staring at her. Something about her seemed different. My pulse raced and adrenaline coursed through my body.

"Liz get out of here. I'll handle him." She said not even turning to look at me.

That was when I felt it. The change in the room. The hairs on my neck stood on edge as I stepped back from Lia. She had energy rolling off of her in waves, hitting me in the head, making me dizzy.

I stared at her and I saw her transform before my blue eyes.

Her body elongated to 9 feet and her clothes burned off her skin. On her skin were patterns like tattoos which covered her from head to toe and then her skin burst into bright orange flames. Her hair turned orange also and cascaded down to her waist in a hot fiery braid and gigantic wings protruded from her back. Her wings were beautifully scary; a pattern of intricate symbols woven into the fiery orange feathers which picked up a great deal of the room.

Her face became longer and as she looked back at me, her bright brown eyes were replaced with bright red orbs that saw everything. She fixed her fiery gaze on the enemy and raised her hand. Before I could see what she did with her hand Anthony grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room. I was about to protest when a loud explosion was heard and it startled me straight through my body and Amelise wrapped her wings around her in my head.

A loud piercing shriek filled the castle and both Anthony and I ran from the spot to which we stood. We ran dow the hall passing solid stone walls until we came upon a tapestry. It was on of the many tapestries that marked a tunnel entrance. It was of a horse and a carriage, to which the horse lay on the carriage overlooking a field of hay.

I felt along the wall until I felt what I wanted to feel. I crossed my fingers and and pushed on the stone and I hoped with all my might that it was the right one. The doorway disassembled and I grabbed Anthony's hand and tried to get him through there.

"Are you sure this is safe?" He asked, with a death grip on my hand.

"I grew up in this castle. I know where I'm going." I hope. Taking a deep breath we both walked through the doorway and I knew I picked the wrong stone because instead of smooth stone to take us to the tunnel, we plummented into the dark.

Falling, was all I knew.

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