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'Just another day, I can cope with the the pain. What if I can't, what if I run into her again and she starts talking about it. Will I survive...'

"Elizabeth Walker!" Professor Weit shouted through his class. Elizabeth lifted her head from her current novel and locked eyes with the most hated teacher through out the university.

"Yes..." She dragged on lazily, irking on the nerves of the teacher 

"Pay attention!" He said loudly and she rolled her eyes at his instructions. She rocked back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest, trying her best to pay attention to Professor Weit.

Shortly after the bell rang, dismissing her from the three months of torture. She quickly grabbed her belongings and hurried out to the school yard to where her best friends stood waiting for her.

"Are you ready for three months in the woods?" Lia asked with a wide grin on her face.

"Am I ever." with that she jumped into the car and waited for Lia to pull out of school and drive them to their cabin in the woods; where they'll be spending the next three months with each other.

Pic of Elizabeth.
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