Chapter 20

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(Narrators POV)

Sebastian held Anika in his arms and his wife, his mate, weeped in his arms. She weeped in the arms of the man she loved with every fiber of her body. Sebastian saw his wife cry for the first time since they met. She hadn't cried at their mating ceremony, neither when she lost her first child, neither did she cry when she was delivering Elizabeth. But now, in his arms, in Elizabeth's bedroom. 

After they out that their daughter was no longer in the palace or for that matter in this time, Anika ran to their daughter's bedroom and fell to the floor, her entire body raked by tears and the emotion of losing her only daughter. Her only child. She had never felt so much emotion before. The feeling of lost and hopelessness rolled over her body in waves and the entire kingdom felt her grief, for she was the queen, and everybody should always grieve for the princess, dead or alive.

Sebastian had try to get her to  to tell him about this strange doorway but she had only cry harder so he had refrained from bringing up the topic. He wanted to ensure that she was calm and had no intentions of jumping in after Elizabeth. He had to make sure that Drexel had it's queen and he had his wife. And when she was back to herself, then would he include her in the search for their daughter.


Meanwhile, two doors down in the palace Evangelia clung to her daughter, Emmaline, to her chest as the grief from the queen hit them greatly. She was immensely angry with herself. One task and she had failed yet again. She soothingly brushed Emmaline's hair behind her ears and held her tightly. After the news was spread to Kelly and Stacy, both friends began coming up with various plans to get their best friend back. None of which were sensible or made any sense. They were left with a blank canvas and worry in their hearts.

"Guys, can't we do something?" Stacy asked again for the umpteenth time.

"What do you have in mind shapeshifter?" Garret asked her not being very subtle in his words.

"Hey Mr. Powerful being, no need to get snappy." Kelly said to him. Her energy gone as she was trying very hard to be strong because she knew if she cried, so would Lia and Stacy. And  they didn't need tears, not now. Tears was not gonna bring Elizabeth back.

"Can't angels teleport. Can't you just teleport to her." Stacy said pushing her hands underneath her legs.

 "Has no one explained the rules to you." Garret snapped.

"What he means is even if we can, we need to know where she is first in order to get to her. And that is the million dollar question. Where is Elizabeth and Anthony?"


Nikolai  lay on his bed in his designated room staring up at the ceiling. He had heard the explosion and he wanted to go see what it was about. In facet he did, he got off of his bed and made his way down the flight of steps to the room to which her heard the explosion come from. And when he made his way there finally, he saw Elizabeth and her mate run out the door and he followed her without hesitation. He saw when she stopped at the strange tapestry and when she pushed the stone. He watched when she jumped through it and saw as the bricks reassembled themselves. He ran over to the tapestry  and pulled it back and saw the protruded stone. He wanted to press it, to go and find her, to make sure she was safe.

He was going to then he heard the unmistakable sound of wings flapping and he pushed back further back into the corridor. He stood still as he saw the queen stop by the same tapestry he was by not moments ago. He heard the king with her and they began talking then the queens voice filled his head and her words rang through his body.

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